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Everything suddenly begins to make sense; all of the missing puzzle pieces seem to fit into place. The fact Mike and Jungkook are cousins explains so much.

I always found it strange how Mike managed to find my school out of hundreds. He attended the party that night when I learnt he was back because Jungkook told him I was there, it wasn't all a huge coincidence.

Maybe their relation is why Jungkook turned on us.

"Jungkook?" Eunki asks quietly, lips parted in what appears to be shock.

I stay quiet with shallow breaths, every single thought dashing around my mind frantically. It makes so much sense now, everyting does. I can't help the feelings of guilt and fear that creep inside of me, thoughts of Jungkook telling Mike of my whereabouts all of this time.

Maybe it's my fault that he turned on the boys. My fault that they lost a brother.

"Yeah. Did you know him?" James asks with a frown. He looks so much like his brother, the resemblance is uncanny.

Eunki glances at me before nodding slowly. "We thought we knew him."

"What does that mean?"

"He was our friend but something happened. We stopped talking a little while back." I answer quickly, trying my hardest to prevent the secrets from being uncovered. James seems unconvinced but doesn't press.

At least another hour passes before I notice the time. I told my mum I'd be back before 6 so I begin to say goodbye to James. 

"It was nice seeing you, Violet and it was nice meeting you, Eunki. Here's my number, just in case you ever need me."

"Thanks, James. I'll see you around." I smile tightly before quickly waking in the other direction with Eunki.

"Okay, that was really weird," she begins. "Mike and Jungkook are cousins? Who would've thought it? Are you alright, by the way? I know that must have been difficult for you."

"I'm fine, really. It's just a lot to take in."

"What are you going to do now that he's back?" She asks carefully and I sigh.

"I have no idea. Hopefully I just won't bump into him anytime soon. He'll probably be angry that Jungkook was arrested so god knows what would happen if I saw him him again." The thought of it sends shivers down my spine. 

"Everything will be alright." She promises me with a smile.

"I hope so."

I know that if I ever bump into Mike again there will be trouble. Now that he's back, it could happen at any time and the thought of that terrifies me. I don't think I'll be able to face him after what happened last time. I'm reminded of what he did every time I look at my arms and see the faint scars decorating my skin, every time I get a sharp pain running up my leg, every time I reach to hold Taehyung's hand but stop myself when I involuntarily cringe. He's ruined me and I hate that. 

"I think I need to see Taehyung." I announce when a familiar wave of paranoia washes over me. 

"Right now?" Eunki asks and I nod quickly, feeling my breaths beginning to quicken. "Okay, sure. We're not far from his house anyway." 

"Okay." I try to sound strong but my voice comes out more like a squeak than anything else. 

It doesn't take too long to reach his house but when we do I practically run inside. 

"Violet?" He asks, surprised. He's sitting on his couch playing some sort of video game but pauses it the moment he notices Eunki and I. 

"I'm really sorry for just bursting in but I needed to see you--"

"It's okay, just calm down," he cuts off my ramble with familiar comforting words. "Sit down and just breathe for a little while, okay?" 

"What's happening, Tae?" Eunki asks with furrowed brows. 

"I think she's having a small panic attack," he informs her, "but she has control of her breathing so it isn't too dangerous." 

"He's back," I manage to speak loud and clear. "Mike is back, he isn't in Busan anymore." 

"It's alright, Violet. I'm here, remember? I promised that I'd never let him hurt you again and he won't." 

"He's done it before, he can do it again." My voice wavers and suddenly turns into a shriek towards the end of my words. I suddenly feel his hands roaming around me like they did that day when I was at his house. I feel disgusting and I have to fight the urge to vomit when I remember his hands on my wrists, holding me down as I lay helplessly. 

"Violet!" I hear Eunki and Taehyung exclaim but their voices sound so distant, so far away. I can barely even hear them anymore.

Suddenly there's hands gripping my wrists and I scream. I open my eyes that were clenched shut and, instead of Taehyung, I see Mike in front of me. His dark eyes are staring straight at me and there's a familiar sickening smirk on his lips. 

"Get off me!" I scream as loudly as I can, trying to pull myself away. My panic heightens, my breaths become crazily irregular and I feel my heart pound heavily inside my chest. The grip only tightens and I scream louder and louder until, suddenly, the grip disappears. 

My eyes open once again and Mike has vanished. Instead, Taehyung is standing in front of me, staring at his hands with a heartbroken expression. There's tears rolling down his cheeks and guilt submerges me. 

"I'm not him," Taehyung whispers, his voice cracking. "I'm not him." 

"I know, I'm sorry," I cry and hide my face with my hands. "I'm so sorry."

an; sorry for the emotional chapter but i just want to keep this story as realistic as possible

thank you for 2k followers, by the way! that's so cool, honestly x

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