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"Violet," Taehyung calls, appearing by the door of his living room. I look up, asking a quiet: "yeah, what is it?" to which he hesitantly ignores for a few seconds. "The police are here."

He steps aside and two uniformed officers step inside, a man and a woman. They smile and introduce themselves but I'm not focusing on their names, I'm focusing on the question of 'why are they here?'.

"We've had a breakthrough in the case," the woman informs me, causing my ears to perk up. "There's CCTV footage of a hooded figure walking through your neighbourhood close to the time of the break in. We believe it is the figure of a man but we're not entirely sure just yet."

"We brought all of the footages with us, just to see if you recognise any of the places he stops in. He's seen to be entering a house at around 2pm, we don't know if it's his or a friend," the male officer continues. "Let us know if you recognise any of the places he visited, or even the clothes he's wearing."

I nod in obligation. The woman leans forward and receives a laptop from her bag, setting it down onto V's coffee table.

My mum and I have been staying at V's house for the past three days now, even though it was originally only for a night. His dad's extended journey ends tomorrow so we need to leave in the morning, anyway.

I don't even notice Taehyung's presence beside me until he wraps his fingers around my hand. I turn towards him and smile, him doing the same in an attempt to comfort me. Surprisingly, it does and I relax.

"Okay, we have the footages ready. Are you sure you're alright with watching this?" The male officer asks and I nod.

The woman clicks a button on the laptop causing the blurry recordings to begin. It's daylight, considering we were broken into during the day, at the latest, 4pm.

There's a figure dressed in all black, their hood up and a mask covering their nose and mouth. Now I understand why they believed it was a boy, there's no way this figure could belong to a girl.

I watch intensively as he strides towards the direction of my house. But the footage stops when he walks out of sight.

"This is a CCTV recording from the shop around the corner, that's all we managed to get before the break in."

She begins the footage again. This time, the same black figure is shown to be walking through another neighbourhood that is vaguely familiar.

Taehyung gasps beside me, causing me to immediately face him. The officers both reach to pause the recordings in unison, obviously sensing yet another breakthrough.

"That's Namjoon's street." He whispers. I turn again, looking closely at the frozen screen. He's right, no wonder it looked so familiar.

"Surely not, it couldn't have been him." I say in disbelief. One of my closest friends, breaking into my house? No, it can't be.

"What is his full name?" The male officer asks.

"Kim Namjoon." Taehyung answers for me, a mixture of betrayal and anger in his tone. She jots down his name and address on her notepad.

"Let's keep watching, just in case he's walking there purely by coincidence." She tells us.

I pray inside my mind that she's not wrong. That the criminal is walking through my best friend's street purely by coincidence.

The black, hooded figure is seen to carry on walking, before stopping at a house numbered 162.

Namjoon's house.

"No," I whisper, tears surfacing in my eyes. "It can't be him."

"We'll head over there straight away and arrest him on the basis of being a suspect. Nothing is yet confirmed but it is looking likely to be him." The male officer informs the two of us.

I nod in understanding but then shake my head in denial. I feel Taehyung's arm wrap around my back and pull me closer to him.

"Thank you, officers." I whisper.

"We'll be questioning his right away at the station, you're welcome to come along and watch considering you're the victim."

"Do you want to do that?" V asks me carefully.

Do I? Do I want to watch my supposedly best friend be interrogated? Not really but I'm going to anyway.

"Yes." I whisper.

Less than an hour later I'm standing on the other side of soundproof glass that can only be seen through one way. I can see Namjoon sitting opposite an interrogator with his hands cuffed in front of him. I can even see the tears of frustration spilling from his eyes. But he can't see the people who have just put him in this situation on the other side of the glass.

"Here, put these on and you'll be able to hear everything." A short woman informs us and hands Taehyung and I a pair of headphones each.

I carefully place them over my head, Namjoon's voice instantly being heard through the small speakers.

"I didn't do it!" Are the first words I hear.

"Can you explain why you were seen in Kim Violets neighbourhood just a few minutes before the break in?"

"I wasn't! I have an alibi, I swear."

"And that is...?" The stern man opposite him questions.

"I was with my child at a daycare centre. I was dropping him off there because I had work that day."

"Where do you work?"

"Park's Car Garage in the centre of town. There's millions of cameras around there, or even just check the times I checked in and out!"

"What time did your shift begin that day?"

"1pm," he answers confidently. "I'm not the guilty one here. Whilst you interrogate an innocent person, the guilty convict is walking the streets freely. You're all making a mistake."

"What time did your shift end?" The man asks, completely dismissing Namjoon's previous words.

"6:30pm, why?"

"If what you're saying is correct, there's no way you could have broken into Miss Kim's home," he admits. "But for now, the evidence is all against you. You'll be staying overnight in one of our cells unless you're proven innocent by the end of the day."

"This isn't fair!" Namjoom exclaims, attempting to stand up in anger, the handcuffs that are chained to the table preventing him from doing so. "Violet is my best friend, I would never hurt her. I swear."

The man stares at him blankly. "Interrogation one with suspect named Kim Namjoon, time of end 1:47."

An; what do you all think? How exciting!! The trial begins....

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