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It's been two weeks since I was discharged from the hospital and given time to recover in the comfort of my home with my mum. Today V and I are meeting up like the nurse had recommend us to at the diner, and I'm feeling pretty optimistic.

"Are you sure you don't want to take your wheelchair?" My mum frowns and I shake my head.

"No, I'm good, thanks," I smile in response, "I'll take the crutches."

"Okay, no problem. Are you ready to go now?" She asks.

"Yeah, sure."

When our car pulls up in the parking lot outside the diner, I'm surprised to see V waiting outside for me. I expected him to be at least twenty minutes late. I say goodbye to my mum before struggling to climb out of the car and shutting the door behind me. I steady myself on the crutches before making my way towards V who smiles when he sees me.

His face is still severely cut and bruised, but yet again, it doesn't look much different to what it did before the accident.

"Hey, Violet," he waves when I approach him. "You okay?"

"Yeah, thanks." I breath and stop limping for a moment to take a small break.

"You don't look like you're enjoying crutching everywhere." He laughs lightly.

"I'm really not," I chuckle, "should we go inside?

V holds the door open for me which I thank him for as I step inside. I haven't been here since the accident and I always visited with V. Hopefully this will help jog his memory.

He begins to sit at a table which isn't ours and I ask him, "why are you sitting there?"

He turns to me with a frown and glances at the table. "What do you mean?"

"This is ours," I tell him, using my crutches to make my way towards the particular booth we always sat at, pointing to the 'V+V' he had written in a marker pen. "See?"

"Oh," he mumbles, confused, before a small smile takes over his features. "Okay."

"You don't remember anything yet?" I ask with little hope and he shakes his head.

"No, I really don't. It's so incredibly frustrating. It's also confusing considering I thought you hated me." He chuckles at the end of his confession and I can't help but laugh.

"I never hated you. You just annoyed me sometimes."

"Didn't I send you messages in class one time? I was really mean."

"You weren't too mean, just obnoxious. No offence." I chuckle.

"No it's fine, I can be an asshole sometimes."

"I don't mind that." I tell him honestly and he looks partially surprised at my words.

It's strange spending time with him when he doesn't even know me that well anymore. Especially considering we weren't together when he practically forgot me. In a way, I'm selfishly glad, because it would have made the entire situation a million times harder if we were still together. I hope we can eventually rebuild what we had, but everything takes time, especially relationships that are broken.

"What's your favourite food?" He asks. The question surprises me at first because the first thing that comes to my mind is 'he already knows that', but it doesn't take me long to realise he doesn't remember.

"I like pizza, pizza is good." I smile and he nods.

"My favourite food is-"

"Grilled burger with lots of cheese on top." I interrupt him and he smiles, looking down to the table.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you're not the one who has amnesia." He says in a partially humorous tone.

"Have you spoken to any of your friends since the accident?"

"Yeah, they visited me when your leg was being operated on. They told me I'm obsessed with you."

I look down, feeling slightly sad. "I think we were really in love, you know."

I glance up when I feel his cold hand place itself on top of mine. He smiles reassuringly before trying to reassure me.

"It's going to be hard but I think we can make this work."

Like usual, I find myself believing his words.

I return the smile and squeeze his hand. "I really do hope so, V."

author note; sorry this is short but i haven't updated in days!! i have loads of homework and exams soon so updates won't be very quick, sorry ;(

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