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It takes a while for the news to absorb inside my mind, but when it does, I'm unsure whether to cry or laugh. Namjoon, a dad? I never imagined that.

"Does he know?" Eunki speaks up first.

"No," she shakes her head. "I was going to tell him when he finished school."

I cringe at her words. Even though Namjoon is probably one of the most mature eighteen year olds I've ever encountered, it's still incredibly weird. I didn't even know Namjoon lived here. It seems as though I don't know as much as I thought about him.

"You need to tell him." Eunki somewhat demands truthfully.

"I know I do." Amelia nods, looking slightly ashamed.

"How old is she? Or he, I guess." I awkwardly ask her.

"He's five months old."

"We're heading back to Seoul today, you should come with us." I recommend.

"I can't - I have to work." She stutters and looks away.

"Come on, this is your child we're talking about. He deserves to know who his father is. And more importantly, his father deserves to know his son exists."

"You're right, Violet. I'm going to do what's right, I'll come with you."

A little over an hour later Eunki, Amelia and Ben - the kid - and I are sitting on a train. I feel terrible for leaving my mother this morning but I had to find out what happened. Thankfully I now have some kind of closure. I hope I have the chance to visit my dad's grave by the end of the day, too.

"We're here." I say when the surroundings outside the window begin to grow more familiar.

The train halts at the station and the four of us climb off. My house isn't too far from the station so we walk home instead of catching a taxi.

"Just wait here," I tell Amelia. "I don't want my mum to see you, not today."

She nods understandingly and waits outside with Eunki as I go inside of my house. I store my overnight bag into my room and greet my mum.

"Did you visit him?" She asks, referring to my dad, and I nod. I feel terrible for lying to her.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to go to V's house. Is that okay?"

"Of course, sweetie. Ring me if you need a lift home."

"I will." I smile and leave again, feeling twice as guilty as the previous time.

I head back outside where the three are still waiting for me.

"V told me the boys were going to stay at Hoseok's house today, Namjoon will be there." I tell them.

"Okay, let's go." Amelia smiles nervously.

I probably should have delivered a warning of our arrival but I knock on the door, uninvited, nevertheless. It isn't long before it swings open revealing Seokjin.

"Oh, hey, guys." He smiles but frowns slightly when he notices Amelia and her kid.

"This is Amelia," I introduce her shortly. "Can we come inside? We need to talk to Namjoon."

"Um yeah, sure." He steps to the side and allows us to enter Hoseok's house.

I see the remaining six boys on the couches in the living area shouting at the television screen. They're playing some kind of video game, and don't notice our presences until Jin pauses the game. They turn around in protest but stop when they see us. Namjoon smiles at first but when his eyes involuntarily flicker towards Amelia, his skin flushes to an extremely pale white and his mouth falls slightly agape.

"Amelia?" He croaks and all of the boys stare at us confusedly.

"Let's give them some privacy," I say and they hesitantly agree. "Can we go upstairs?"

We leave Amelia and Namjoon downstairs with Ben. The six of the boys, Eunki and I wait inside Hoseok's room where we can hear faint voices from below.

"What was all that about?" V asks me quietly and gently pulls me towards him.

"I'll explain everything later, I promise. It's a long story."

"Why was a baby inside my house?" Hoseok frowns.

"You're going to have to get used to it." Eunki chuckles underneath her breath.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook questions, completely unaware of the entire situation.

"The baby is Namjoon's kid." I announce.

It's silent for a few tense moments before the room erupts in laughter.

"I'm being serious!" I protest but I can't be heard over their laughs.

"Namjoon...a dad?" Yoongi snorts and looks at me in disbelief. I nod, but his eyes still show amusement.

"Wait, I think they're actually being serious..." Hoseok notes after he sees Eunki and I's unchanged expressions.

"Wow, really?" I return sarcastically.

"How did you two find out before him?" V asks confusedly.

"I'm afraid that's a completely different story to tell..."

An; what even is this lol

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