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-Taylor POV-
The bell rung for lunch. Everyone pushed their way to the cafeteria. I grabbed my lunch and looked around. For some reason the lunch room seemed crowded today.

I looked to the back right to see Jessica, Mya, Calum, and Michael sitting at a table. I start to walk in that direction until I noticed Lindsey and Luke walking up to the table. After what I found out this morning, the last thing I want to do is be anywhere near Luke. I searched the cafeteria for another seat but there weren't one. I looked back over towards Luke and for an instant we locked eyes. Neither of us wanting to look away.

Then I remember something from this morning. Some dreams are meant for dreaming. I broke the eye contact and head for the bench in the front of the school and ate lunch alone.

-Luke POV-
She walked out of the cafeteria. What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I just stare at her? Why couldn't I just walk over to her and say 'Come have lunch with us'. Instead I scared her away.

Was because of what happened this morning? What did happen this morning? Everything was confusing. "Are you all right babe?" Lindsey asked grabbing my hand.

"Yeah. Perfect." In reality, I wasn't. But I couldn't tell her that.

-Taylor POV-
The bell rung for classes to start again. I slowly walked to my locker. I wasn't feeling good. Something about Luke and Lindsey being together didn't seem to fit well with me. But why? I barely knew her to not like her. Hell. I barely know him to be jealous. Jealous? Was that even an option?

I open my locker and grabbed the stuff for my last classes. Maybe school will help get over how I feel about Luke. "Taylor!" Maybe not. I closed my locker and turned to the direction the voice came from. There Luke was walking up to me. "Are you okay?"

My heart jumped a little. He actually cared. No he don't you fucking idiot. Jessica or Mya probably sent to check on you. "Yeah. I am fine."

"Are you sure?" He gave me a worried look.

"Perfectly fine." I gave a small chuckle. "I mean why wouldn't I be."

"You didn't sit with us at lunch. I didn't know if you were sick or not."

"No I caught up in homework." LIE. I was hiding from you and your girlfriend. "I feel fine." Honestly I don't know what I feel.

"Oh. Okay." We walked in silence to class. Finally we came to my class.

"Well this is my class." I said.

"Okay. I'll see you later."

"Yeah." I said nodding my head. I turned to go to class.

"Taylor?" I look back at Luke. "The band got gig tonight. I was wondering..." He took a deep breath. "If... you want to... you know... go?" He stammered in that perfect Australian accent. "Mya and Jessica will be there."

I smiled. I thought it was cute he was getting nervous. "I'll go."

His eyes got big. "Really?"

"Yeah." I said laughing. "I am 5 seconds of summer #1 fan." We laughed. "Besides this sounds funnier than homework." The bell rung. "I have to get to class." He nodded and headed to class. I walked into Spanish and took my seat. For once I wasn't worried about the dreams. I was a normal teenager. Until something came to me. I still didn't know what my dreams meant.

I fucking suck. Sorry I had to change chapter 8 for a third time. Especially since I haven't update in like a 100 years. I'm trying to update as soon as I can but school isn't fucking helping me. I will finally give you guys a chapter 9. (Someone please tell me if you like this story because I feel like it is total ass.)

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