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-Taylor POV-
"Taylor. Dinners ready." My mom said on the other side of the door. I ignored her. "Taylor?" I put my ear buds in to block her and the rest of the world out. I stared at my white walls. I wasn't hungry instead I was heart broken, sad, angry, and empty.

It been a week since I last spoke to anyone, I haven't left my room or I haven't ate much in that time frame. Basically I laid in my bed unless it was necessary to leave and most of the time it wasn't necessary.

My music was interrupted by the ringing of someone calling me. On my screen Luke name popped up but I let it ring. I just wanted to be left alone. Finally the ringing stop and music played again. Beyonce broken hearted girl came on. I laid there and cried to the lyrics. Eventually I drifted to sleep.

"This is not what it look like." Jeremy said laying in the bed with the naked girl. "Please let me explain." I ran down the stairs. "Taylor! Taylor! I'm sorry!!"

I woke up. Tears rolled down my face. I couldn't even sleep without thinking about him. I couldn't take it. How can I just let go of the guy I spent the last three months giving my love to?

I got out of bed for the first time in a week and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. My once tight ponytail was now messy with strands of hair poking out everywhere. I had bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep and my eyes were a dark shade of red from all the crying I did. I grabbed my tooth brush and brushed my teeth then I wash my face. It really didn't change my appearance much but honestly who cares.

My stomach rumbled. I couldn't pretend I wasn't hungry anymore because in reality I was starving. I walked downstairs to the kitchen. No one was in there which was a surprise, so I got a bowl of cereal and a cup of orange juice. Everything was quiet. Well that was until Mark walked into the kitchen. "Good Morning Taylor."

"Morning." My voice was a little croaky since it was the first word I actually spoke in a week.

"So how are you feeling today?" He asked opening the fridge. I didn't answer. I wasn't in the mood to talk my feelings or anything about me for that matter. I think he got the memo because he turned to me and said "I'm sorry Tay." I finished eating my breakfast. I made my way towards the steps. "Taylor?" He called back out to me. "I'm going out for a while." I nodded my head and went back to my room where I resumed my position on my bed listening to my sad music.

-Luke POV-
It been a week since anyone talked to Taylor. I tried calling and texting her but she refused to answer. Why did I let this happen to her? I should've did something to prevent this but what could I have done? Nothing at all. I call Taylor again. "Come on T. Pick up." I said as the phone kept ringing. "Pick up. Please." Her voicemail picked up instead. "Ugh."

There was a knock on the door. I opened it to reveal Mark standing. "You need to talk to Taylor." He said in one breath. "She needs you."

I sighed. "I'm trying Mark. But she won't answer her phone or text me back. She is ignoring me."

"I know she is. She's ignoring everybody. Today was the first time she spoke to me in a week." He paused. "Luke you're the only person who can really help her. She smiles the brightest when you are around."

"What can I do?" I finally said. "How am I suppose to get her to talk to me if she won't answer her phone."

"Go talk to her face to face. She can use your shoulder to cry on."

I scratched the back of my neck. I hated to see Taylor like this but there really nothing I can do. "Fine. I'll go." I was willing to try anything to get my friend back again.

We got into his car and he started to drove to Taylor's house. Mrs. Anderson was in the kitchen cooking. "Hey Jan." Mark called to her. He walked into the kitchen and I followed behind.

"Hey Mark." He gave her a kiss and walked to the fridge. Mrs. Anderson gave me a smile. "Hey Luke."

"Hi." It was weird being around just Mark and Mrs. Anderson. Usually Taylor would give us something to talk about. "Nice weather we're having."

"Yeah beautiful." Again the there was silence. "Are you going to stay for dinner?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not sure." I looked at Mark for help.

"Yeah... um... I don't know." He looked at me. "Luke is actually here to try to talk to Taylor." She nodded her head. "Go on up Luke."

I climbed the stairs and stopped in front of Taylor's door. I knocked on it. "Taylor. Can you please talk to me?" Nothing from the other side. "Taylor I just want to be here for you." Still nothing. "I'm not going anywhere until I at least see you." Complete silence from the other side. I was running low options so I started singing. "Even when the sky is falling down
Even when the earth is crumbling 'round my feet." I heard movement in her room so I kept singing. "Even when we try to say goodbye
And you can cut the tension with a knife in here." Her door opened.

Taylor was standing there with tears in her eyes. "Whats wrong with me?" She asked with tears streaming down her face.

"There's nothing wrong with you Tay." I stood right in front of her. "Nothing."

"Then why did he do it." She choked out. "Why did he cheat on me?" Taylor broke down. "What did I do wrong?" She cried.

I pulled her into my chest. "Taylor you didn't do anything wrong. Jeremy is a idiot who doesn't deserve you as a girlfriend." She cried harder in my chest. "Its okay Taylor." I rubbed her back. Her crying stop. "Feel better?" She nodded her head.

"I'm sorry." She said. "I shouldn't have ignored you guys." She sat down on her bed.

"Don't worry about." I sat down next to her. "You need time to cope."

"Yeah." She combed some of her loose strands hair back with her fingers. She looked out her window. "He probably moved on already. Have a girlfriend. Making love to her. Showing her how much he loves her. Taking her to the most expensive restaurants. Doing things he never did for me." She put her head in her hands. "I'm so stupid."

"No you're not. Look at me." She turned her head so her brown eyes was now looking into my blue eyes. "I'm lucky to have you as my best friend Tay. You're beautiful, special, and smart." She gave me a small smile. I got up walked to her closet grabbed some clothes and threw at her. "Get dress."


"Get dress. I want to show you something."

She stood up. "Okay. But just know I'll never match this shirt with these pants."

I rolled my eyes. "Just hurry up please."

"Fine." She grabbed clothes and went to the bathroom. After a minute she came back into her room. She had on black short with a gray Nirvana shirt and a black beanie. "Okay I'm ready."

"Then let's go." I grabbed her car keys and we drove off in her car.
Okay so this chapter and next chapter are probably going to be boring sorry. This chapter goes to Pinapple_Luke because she's cool and so is her books. Thanks for reading. Love you guys 😘
-A Crazy Person 💕

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