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-Luke POV-
"Hey mom." I said walking into the house. I could smell the roast she had in the oven. I walked into the kitchen. Just as I thought she was busy making toss salad. I gave her a kiss in her forehead. "How was you day?"

"Good. How was yours?" She turned to the fridge.

I sat on the counter. "Same old same old." I took a cucumber out of the salad. "Nothing but recording again."

"Oh." She turned and glared at me. "Robert. Get your ass off of my counter." I jumped done instantly. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Sorry mom." I grabbed another cucumber from her toss salad. I through the dining room and stop at the table. There was another plate at the table. "Mom?" I asked eyeing the plate. "Are we expecting a guest for dinner?"

"Uh..." The door bell rung. "I got it." I heard her open the door. I was too preoccupied with trying to figure out who could be our guest. It could be Phil or Connie.

"Hello son."

I turned around and was face to face with the one person I didn't want to talk to again. "Why the hell are you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you and your mom about something." He paused. "I want to come back."

"Why?" I could feel the heat in my cheeks. "Things didn't work out with your new family?"

"No. I regret leaving and I realized I made a huge mistake."

"That's bullshit. If you really regretted it you would came back earlier. Not two fucking years later!"

"Luke!" My mom screamed. "Just hear him out."

I reached for my keys and jacket. "I rather for my ears to bleed." I stroked out of the house. Making sure I slammed the door behind me. This was some straight bullshit. How did he just expect to waltz back into my life with no fucking problem. That was not happening.

I pulled into the familiar driveway. I knocked on the door. Lindsey opened. "Luke? What the hell are you doing here?" She shut the door behind her.

"I need to get away from my house and thought it was okay to come here and talk to you." I ran my head through my hair.

"Right now is not the best time. My mom has a guest over right now..."

"Can you come with me?"

She shook her head. "I have to be here with her and her guest. I'm sorry."

"Its okay." I gave her a kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow." She nodded her head and retreated back into her house. Leaving me standing there. A droplet hit my face. Followed by another. I looked up and the rain started to pour harder. "This is great." I mumbled to myself. I got back in my car and drove to the one person who I can talk to.

-Taylor POV-
The water poured on me. I closed my eyes and the image of my fantasy boy popped in my head. Or should I said my 'best friend'. I could see his beautiful smile and gorgeous blue eyes. I could almost feel him touching me.

"Taylor you been in the shower for an hour now!" Mark yelled from the other side of the door. "I need to take a shower."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes you do." I said absent mindedly.

Fantasy Boy (A Luke Hemmings Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now