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-Taylor POV-
I zipped the zipper on my white dress. I took one look in the mirror. Today was supposed to be the best day of my life, yet I felt so unhappy.

My door swung opened. My mom popped her head through the door. "Are you ready?"

"Almost." I grabbed my gown and put it on. Then I grabbed my cap. I glanced one more time at my appearance then at my mom who was smiling.

"I'm so proud of you." She wrapped me in her arms.

"Thanks mom."

She took a step back and looked at me. She pushed my hair to the side. "You okay?"

I nodded my head. "I just wish dad was here." I said only telling only half of the truth. "I really, really miss him."

"Me too sweetie."

Mark appeared from behind her holding Tyler. "You look beautiful."

I gave him a smile. "Thanks." I took my sleeping little brother into my arms. "Hey Ty." I kissed his forehead. "You're big sister did it. She's graduating." He wiggled in my arms. "Here mom you take him. I think he might be waking up."

She took him from my arms. "I'll go make him a bottle." Her and Tyler ascended up the stairs.

"Well we should get going. We don't want to make the valedictorian late for graduation."

"Yeah. Um Mark. Thank you." He gave me a confused look. "For everything. Taking care of my mom, Tyler, and me. Being there when I need you. Its been a while since I had a father and I forgot how it felt to have dad."

He walked up and wrapped me in his arms. "I will always be here for you Taylor. No matter what I'm here." I could feel tears prickling at my eyelid. He pulled me out the hug and looked at me. "Aw. You don't have to cry." He said wiping my tears before they fall. "Now come on you have a killer speech to give so we can't be late."

"Okay dad."

He stopped what he was doing and stared at me. Not believing the words I just said. "Did you just call me..."

"Dad?" I filled in. "Yeah." He didn't say anything. Instead he smiled and walked up the stairs. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. "This now or never."

-Luke POV-
"This now or never." I said to my reflection. I couldn't sleep last night. The only thing on my mind was Taylor. Taylor and her big brown eyes. Her soft lips. Her awe waking smile. Taylor.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my trance. "Come in."

My mom opened the door. "Hey."

"Hey." She walked in and stood next to me. "Um..." I picked up the tie next to me. "Do you think you could..."

She grabbed the tie from my hand. "With pleasure." My mom wrapped the tie around my neck. The only sound between us was the sound of our breath. "Luke? Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah mom."

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" 

My eyes widened at her question. "I-i... I don't know." I admitted. ''I'm not sure of anything lately."

"Listen." She finished with the tie. "The reason why me and your father didn't work out so many years ago was because we didn't marry because we loved each other. We married because I was pregnant with you. Now I know you are old enough to make you own decisions but if you don't love Lindsey please don't marry her. Don't force yourself into a marriage that you don't want to be in." She cupped my face. "I love you Luke."

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