Oh crap

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       I grab Akane and hit the floor with her in my arms as the bullet goes passed my ear. I pull out my gun and point at where the bullet came from,but the gun was already on my head. I hid Akane from the person seeing her with the shadows I summoned. I summoned a blinding light and cover Akane's eyes and escaped the Dojo. I ran jump on the bike with Akane on my lap and Izaya drives off. Izaya drives to the 'safe zone' and we hide the bike in the very back of the house. I put Akane on the couch and go to get her some water when my phone starts to ring. I look at it and notice that it is Mikiya(Akane's father). I answer and he starts to say,"I heard that you were shot at is Akane ok? Can I talk to her to make sure that she is fine?" I answer back," Yes we were being shot at but no one got hurt. Akane is on the couch. I will give her the phone." I walk over to the couch with water and the phone and say,"It is your father. He says he would like to talk to you." Akane nods and I give her the phone and leave the water cup on the table.
I walk over to where Izaya is and he turns around and pulls me into his arms. I saw the bullet pass where I was. I grab onto Izaya and say,"We need to grab Akane!" I run to get Akane but she isn't there. I know that is wasn't take because the phone and water weren't thrown on the floor. I listen for Akane and I hear her in the closet. I open it and she is shaking. I grab her hand and pull her along and run to the bike. I get to the bike and Izaya had already started it and was waiting for me. I look down and notice that their was a tracker. I grab the tracker and summoned one of my shadows and sent the tracker away. I notice that as soon as I did that I heard a car drive off after it. I grab the keys out of the bike and said,"Well that is close why don't we move out of her and go down the stairs where it is more safe." Izaya widens his eyes and says,"Don't go down there is if not safe." I turn and look at him and say,"Why not? Where should we go instead?" Izaya looks at me sheepishly and says,"I will tell you later,but now let's take her to your house that is the safest place am I correct?"

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