I'm sort of back....

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  He leads us down a long hallway and I state,"Where are we?" He begins to pick up the pace and state,"We are almost there." The long hallway opens up to a wide area that has another house and he states,"Here is what I call my secret get away. The path here gets blocked after we open the door, but I can always open it up with a press of a button." I smile and feel some of the stress leave, but for some reason not all of it would disappear. I wonder the house and I get that creepy fear again. This time I decided to not tell Izaya. I started looking around the house for anything that a small video camera can be put in. I began to find one or two of those video cameras at first, but then I found mics too. At this point I really think I'm getting paranoid because I haven't seen anyone all I have is a feeling. 
        I sigh and sit down and read a book went I hear a creak. I ignore till I hear it again and state,"Hey Izaya is that you?" I think to myself,"Why did I say that!Now the person knows that I heard them! I need to get out now." I rushed to the door, but I was cut off when I smelled my gun.(Your gun was made so that if you lost it on one of your mission you can smell it or smell the trail too the gun to find it again) I go to the kitchen and grab my phone and call Izaya. I whisper,"Hey there is someone in the house where are you?"
"Hey (y/n) it has been a while."
I replied,"Who is this? What did you do to Izaya!"
"Calm down I didn't do anything wrong, but it is sad how you don't remember my voice."
I think for a little while and then state," Is it Kasane Kujiragi?"I hear a little laugh on the phone and the person replies,"Your are right. If you find Izaya in 10 mins he will live if you don't well we both know the answer to that. Well good luck I know you can find him."
I hang up and clear my mind. I remove all other presents besides mine and Izaya's. I remember the conversation for any keywords or hints, but didn't find any so I decided to go through the bookcases looking for a place for her to hide him, but end up empty. I rush around the house looking for him when I hear a thump. I feel around the wall and find a hollow spot that was shaped like a door I kicked it open and found Izaya tied up with bombs around. I whisper,"Damn it." and walk over and go to deactivate it. When I notice I only have 30 seconds remaining. So I started to think using like 10 seconds of it then I wrap the bombs in my shadows and as they go off a hatch opens underneath us that was full of stakes I grab onto Izaya's shoulder to keep him from falling. I barely pull myself out of there and state,"Izaya how much do you weigh? Your breaking my arms here." I pull him up and take of the duck tape and he replies,"As much as a normal man should weigh!" I giggle and then smash the wall next to me and state,"Found you Kasane Kujiragi it wasn't smart to stay behind."

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