My couch!!!

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      I run back into the living room and see that the couch was missing and so where Izaya and Shizuo. I grab some clothes and slip them on jumping out of the new hole in our house. I hold onto my shirt as I start falling down passed the 3 floor. I hit the ground with my hand and feet on the floor leaving a dent in front of the building. I look up and find Shizuo chasing after Izaya. I get up and walk over there I take out Izaya by sticking my arm out and having it hit him straight on the head. Knocking him over and I knock him out. Shizuo stops dead in his track and says,"Um..... I'm sorry I think Thomas is calling me bye." I grab Izaya and throw him at Shizuo. I hit Shizuo with Izaya right in the head. I start laughing so hard I fall into my knees. I walk over to them and I grab both of them and drag them back to the house. I see people begin to stare and whisper if they should call the police or not. I sigh and act like they are drunk and I say,"Maybe next time you both shouldn't drink so much it makes me look like I am dragging two dead bodies." I sigh and smile a bit and I bump into someone. I look and and say,"Sor- what the hell are you doing here!" Her eyes widen and say,"Hey there it really has been a-Did you kill these two!?" I sigh and say,"I wish I did but I am married to one of them." She looks at me and says,"I am guessing the one with the black hair is the one you married,but the other one I have no clue who he is." I look at her and say,"Yes it the other guy is a friend of mine that hates that guy and loves me so I broke his heart and married Izaya." I smiled and sigh and wave to her as I leave and say,"Bye teach I hope I don't see you again." She yells back,"Hope you die on your next job!" We both laugh and I walk into my building and take the elevator instead of the stairs. I grab Izaya and throw him into our bed and I put Shizuo in a corner since he threw my couch out the window.

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