The package

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    I walk into Izaya's house and see that his house is really big. I walk over to wear he keeps his office and sit down. He walk over and sits down. I explain what I have learned from him. I walk out of his office. Izaya puts his hand on my shoulder and says,"why were you at Russia Sushi yesterday with Shizuo. I jump turning around so I can look at him and say,"I was just getting more information." Izaya replies,"I don't think that is the only thing that is going on. Izaya starts to squeeze my shoulder making me what to get out of his grip even more. Izaya says,"Shizuo is the only one that can kill me you understand. I can kill you whenever I want, so if you want to live still I would stay way from Shizuo or anyone other than me. If you do someone might die."  I look at him and say,"Is that a threat." Izaya pulls me even close so that we are face to face."It is a promise." I look into his eyes knowing that he mean what he said. I removed his hand off of my shoulder and said,"I have somewhere to be." Izaya grabs my hand and says,"Let me walk you there." I reply,"Well it is kind of far but if you want to go there is no stopping you." Izaya asked,"Where are we going for your job." I pulled him along and said,"We are just going to pick up a 'package' for a client of mine." Izaya looked happy and said,"What type of package?" I walk through the door saying,"You will find out."
We walk out of the building and Izaya says,"I will drive." Izaya gets on my motorcycle and say,"Hold on tight to me." I look at him and say,"You know that this is my bike that you are on right? So please don't be really dangerous on it please." Izaya says,"Fine,but you got to hold on tight ok." I get on the bike and hold onto him from behind and drive off.
We arrive in front of this dojo. I tell him,"Stay here,but I need you to keep the bike running ok." I walk inside the dojo and see the target right away. I walk up to her and say,"Akane I am here to take to my house and protect you. There are some people that want to use you against your father ok?" Akane look at me and says,"Are you sure that you are not a hitman yourself?" I look at her surprised and say,"Would you like to ask your father yourself." She nods and I hand her my phone. She calls her father while I was waiting for her to finish I hear a sound of a gun getting loaded.

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