Wait what!?

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        I see her start to look down and she says,"I really don't know but here's a theory. When your mother brought you to my house she had the same marks so I think it is something that runs in your family when they have children." I sigh in relief and say,"So it really isn't anything bad thank god." Mina puts her hand on my head and smiles making me feel better. I look up at you Izaya and say,"So when are we going to get married?" Izaya grabs my hands and says,"Tomorrow I already have it planned!" I look at him and say,"What would have happened if I said n-" he kisses me cutting me off and Mina looks shocked that is was so sudden without warning. Mina begins to walk out when I release and say,"You want to stay over for dinner?" She smiles and says,"I thought I was getting in the way of your make out fest." I blush as she said that but she walks over to Izaya and starts whispering to him. I stand there trying to figure out what they were saying when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.
I turn around and see Shizuo. I feel move my shirt to look at my shoulder blades. I call out,"Mina!" That is when I I see her kick Shizuo right into the wall across the room she smiles and says,"You ok little sis." I glare at her and say,"Don't call me that." I start to feel the sharp pain in my grow worse and Mina gasps and Izaya rushes over to me. Mina beings to take off my shirt to look at my shoulders. Mina grabs my shoulder and winces in pain and says,"Damn! This was worse than your mother's it is starting to spread!" It starts to feel like my back was on fire and she touches it but every place she touch made the mark disappear. Eventually the pain went away and she collapses saying,"Can I eat dinner now or after I take my nap." I smile at her and say,"After we both take a nap." I start to black out because of the pain as Izaya moves over to Shizuo and takes him out of the house.
~~~~~time skip~~~~~
I wake up in bed next to Mina as she wakes up screaming. I grab her hand and say,"Hey it is ok it was just a dream." Mina looks at me and says,"My hands are really burned because of you. You own me part of your healing blood" I look at her and smile smiles saying,"Looks like we have another person in bed than us. I turn to my other side and see Izaya sleeping. I giggle and kiss him and say," Wake up sleepy head."

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