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            I put my hand on his shoulder to make sure that it is not a dream and he says,"What is wrong? I never seen you like this." Mizuki pulls me closer to him and that is when I hear I familiar laugh. I turn and find Izaya in the corner laughing at us. I start to shake trying to figure out what he is going to do the the both of them. I watch Izaya get up and walk toward me. Mizuki and Shizuo block me from Izaya's sight and say,"What are going to do to (y/n)?" Izaya's smile widens as he says,"Nothing much I am just going to take (y/s) home,but if you don't give (y/s) to me there is going to be a big problem." I go to move so that there would be no trouble,but Mizuki and Shizuo stopped me. I looked at them and said,"Stop are you trying to get yourself killed! I don't want either of you to get hurt again so please let me protect you for once." They turn around and smile and say,"Hey I can't do that if the woman I love would get hurt so I cannot stand back and watch."  I feel I stray tear round down my face and I say,"Why are guys such idiots you know that I killed many people and killed whole gangs by myself. You should know better than that so please don't hurt yourself because of me." They both turn around and squeeze me tightly in a hug. Mizuki releases and says,"Don't worry about me you know that I can't die yet even if I wanted to. You gave me some of your blood that heals my wounds faster than I get them even a-" I hear a gun shot and Mizuki falls onto my shoulder. My eyes widen at the sight of someone in my family getting shot. Izaya smiles cruelly and says,"You guys talk to much now who is next?" Shizuo says,"Isn't there enough blood-" Izaya cuts him off with him saying," Ha there will never be enough blood shed until I get my lovely (y/n)!" I lay Mizuki on the ground and say,"If I go with you will you promise not to hurt them anymore?" Shizuo looks at me shocked I wink at him and say,"It won't be long trust me. You are part of my closest friends. I will be back but I will not be single anymore." I look over and see Izaya in shock and excited at what I said.

Hard to Believe love(Izaya X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now