Dang it!

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I walk past Shinra's room and he calls out to me and said,"What are you doing here still? Aren't you supposed to be at home?" I sigh and say,"Yeah I was until Izaya got stabbed. Now I'm staying here. This sucks I guess I should see if someone can take care of (g/n) and (b/n) for a while." Celty grabs my hands and types," Don't worry about it I can watch them. Shinra is being discharged tonight. I can take care of Shinra and them." I smile and say,"Are you sure? I don't want to be a hassle." She shakes her head and types,"It is fine trust me." I give her a hug and state,"Thank you I owe you one." She replies,"No problem. You can pay me back later." I leave and go to Izaya and I say,"Hey how is the stab wound?" Izaya faintly smiles and says,"Hurts,but I think I will live." I walk over to his bed and he grabs my arm and pulls me into bed with him. His breathe tickles my ear as he says,"Stay with me for a while. You are so warm and you smell nice. I'm happy that you are mine and mine alone." He kisses my forehead and then kisses my cheeks. I pull him close and say,"Go to sleep. You need your rest so that we can get out of here. As soon as we leave I'm going to-" He cuts me off with a kiss and slips his tongue into my mouth. I try to break the kiss,but he holds me in place by using the side rail of the bed to his advantage. He slips his hand into my shirt,but I grab them and say,"We are in a hospital. We are going to get caught." He gets up and locks the door and says,"How about now?" I shake my head and say,"You really want to do it don't you?" He nods and kisses me again, more passionately.
~~~~~~~lemon warning~~~~~~~
        He starts to strip me and kiss my sweet spot. I muffle my moan by digging my face into his shoulder. I start to stroke him and he says,"Your torching me go faster." I state,"No!" Izaya grabs my hand and thrust in to me. My eye open widen and he says,"We got to finish before the nurse comes in." He start to move fast even with his injuries. I push him over and say,"Let me do it. Your injured." I start to move up and down when I heard a knock. Izaya covers my mouth and the person on the other side says,"Mr.Orihara are you awake yet?" Izaya stays silent and waits for the person to leave and he says,"That was close shall we continue?" Izaya push me over and thrusts into me deep. I bite my lip holding back the moan and Izaya chuckles and starts to going deeper into me. He whispers,"I'm going to release it inside since I don't want to get it on the sheets." He thrusts into me deep and I feel him come inside of me.

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