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          I woke up before Izaya did and I went to make breakfast when he grabs my hand and says,"Don't leave me yet." I get back into bed and pulls his head onto my chest and say," Can I make breakfast for us?" He looks up at me and says,"Don't worry about that I already have it made." My eyes wide and I say,"What?" He takes his head off of my chest and says,"It is because I was expecting this." My eyes open wide at what he said. He pounces on me pining me down again and says,"Are you ready now?" I look at him and kiss him. I felt electricity from the kiss. He smiles and says,"That was a nice kiss." He starts to kiss down me. We start to strip each other. We hear a cough that was forced and all I hear is Izaya sigh. He covers me with a blanket and says,"What do you need." My eyes open wide when I notice who it is. I look at him and he looks away from me blushing. He walks over to the bed and pulls the blanket over me more,because part of my ass was showing. I slip my dress back on and my underwear. I look at he blushing and say," Hello Mizuki Akabayashi. Do you have a job for me or did you want to tell me something?" He looks at me and pulls out a box. I opened the box and found the outfit I wanted. I get out of bed and give him a hug and say,"Thank you I'm going to change then I will do the job,but if the job is for Izaya I will still get dressed and I might go with you so I will be back in a second." 
      I go into the bathroom and start to get dressed when I hear a window brake. I go to turn around but someone put a plastic bag over my head. I spun around and hit my gun in the side of the person's head. I see Izaya and Mizuki run in after they heard the commotion from the bathroom. Izaya walks over to where the person is. I look at him and notice that he was in a daze from the hit. I grab his shirt and get him out of a daze. He begins to mumble things that I can't make out that it when I notice that he was a member of the blue squares. I start to get pissed and Izaya and Mizuki see that so they try to pull me off of him but I finally hit him hard in the face. It brakes in his jaw. I get off of him and leave the bathroom with Izaya and Mizuki making sure I didn't kill him.

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