Komaeda Nagito

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       I smiled and walk outside of the room and told the man with white hair he can come in now. I sat down next to Izaya to make sure he didn't try anything. I started to draw circles on the sheet with my finger out of boredom. The man finally opened his mouth saying,"My name is Komaeda Nagito. I am hear to give you a warning. Don't worry you guys should be fine,but Ikebukuro I'm not so sure. It should be in chaos as we speak." Izaya looked at him with a face full of curiosity and asked,"Are you sure about that? I'm sure that the people in Ikebukuro won't die so easily after all there are non-human things there." Komaeda sighed and asked,"Like your enemy Shizu-chan?" Izaya seemed impressed by what Komaeda told him and they talked for a bit. Izaya said loudly,"Wonder I think your pretty interesting! Your plan is well thought out! To use the puppeteers! I couldn't have though of a better plan myself." I zoned out and I had no idea what they were saying before Izaya talked happily. He pulled me to him and said,"(y/n)! We are probably going to be the only humans left here! Here is the really test for the human's I love! I can't wait to see the results! Either Komaeda wins or I win! Shall there be a penalty for the loser?" Komaeda smiled and said,"I think it would make this game more fun. After all hope always wins." Izaya nods and they shake hands. Komaeda gets up and leaves saying,"We will talk about the penalty tomorrow! First, I got a plan to set into motion." Izaya smiled and the door shut. He said happily,"I get fun visitors! I was hoping for someone to come in and kill me,but I got something different! I got a message telling me that the world is going to end!" Izaya laughs happily and I sigh and think,"What did Izaya do when I wasn't listening?"
I get up and look out the window and I see past the trees some smoke rising. I sigh and said,"Looks like he is right." I see something moving in the tree line. I decided not to go outside since Komaeda said the world was going to be in Chaos. Izaya seemed happy with his chat with Komaeda. I sit back on the bed and put my head in my hands and said,"So what did you and Komaeda talk about." He look over at me and said,"Did you space out? I thought you were good at paying attention." Ouch did he really say that to me? I glare at him and said,"I didn't sleep for three days and I space out one time....never mind the sleep deprivation is getting to me." I look away from him thinking about how many more days do I have to stay up,or maybe I shouldn't stay up. I should sleep while he is awake. I lay down at the foot of the bed and said,"I'm taking a nap don't bother me! If you do I will ruin all of your plans." He chuckles and I drift off into sleep.
~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~
     I wake up to Izaya shaking me and I ask,"What is it?" He smiled and said,"You were having a nightmare, and there is a monokuma staring at us through the window." I ask,"What is a mono-. Oh that thing." I look out the window and I see a black and white bear. I whisper,"I think it would have been better if the visitor was Kankei.." Izaya said,"Huh?" And I looked away saying,"Nothing. I just wanted to know why...it is staring at us and not attacking." Izaya glanced over and said,"That is probably because of Komaeda. He really wants to see who will win." I nod and said,"It is kind of creepy having it stare at us the whole time. It makes me want to bash its head in." I hear a snicker and I pull out my gun and I hear a voice saying,"Not point that at Master Togami!" I laugh and repond," I point my gun at who I want. I could end your lives in a flash." The man called Togami sighed and said,"At least the pig knows how much I am worth." I growl,"Yeah I think your worth more d-" Izaya cut me off stating,"Byakuya Togami, I have heard a lot about you,but I never knew you kept a pet." Byakuya sighed and said,"This isn't a pet. She is more like a shadow that follows me everywhere." I see the girl smile and start to Fangirl and I think is this how I look when I Fangirl over anime? No it can't be. Izaya put his hand on mine and said,"You can put the gun away after all he is only here to talk." I look at him and ask,"Is it about a hacking gun for those monokumas?" Byakuya's eyes widened and I said,"Just because I know how to kill people doesn't make me the same as that girl. I am smarter than I look." He chuckles and said,"It does seem that way." The girl glared at me and I stated,"Calm down I'm not after your stupid 'master'. I already have Izaya." He pulled me to him and whispered,"That girl his two personalities the one you are seeing now is Toko Fukawa,but her other half is do Genocider Sho. So don't make her sneeze or taser her leg. That wouldn't be very helpful." I nod and decided to lay on Izaya's lap. I heard the sound of doors breaking and I stated,"Great we were safe until the both of you showed up. A monokuma captured Byakuya and Toko was chasing after it out of the house. I shut the door and said,"Bye hope to never see you again." Izaya sigh and said,"I really wanted that gun." I tossed him the gun and said,"There you go. I thought if I grabbed it while monokuma grabbed him it would look like he lost it." He petted my head and I smiled and said,"Now you need to sleep if you want your injuries to heal."

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