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           I look at Izaya and say,"Sure yeah we'll go to my house it should be fine." Izaya smiles slyly like he just avoided something big that could ruin a relationship. I went passed the stairs and smelt blood. I kept on walking away acting like I did not smell it. I looked at Izaya and said,"Let's go before they fine out and come back." I walk to the bike when Izaya puts his hand on mine and says,"Do you love me?" My eyes open wide and I say,"I don't really know. I have never fallen in love or ever experienced love." Izaya squeeze my hand and says,"I could teach you about love if you want." I look at him then look at Akane. I turn to him and put my hand on his cheek and say,"Not now not I still need get Akane home first." Izaya puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He gives me a kiss on the forehead and says,"We better leave now." I push him off a and grab Akane and left to take her home. I look back at Izaya and see a hunger in his eyes for me. I look away and that is when he realized that I was in love with Shizuo.
(Izaya's pov)
      Who would have thought that (y/n) would have fallen for that monster,but there is still hope for me. All I have to do eliminate him and she will fall for me!
(Your pov)
         I hold on to Izaya with Akane in the middle to make sure that she doesn't fall off the motorcycle. We get to her house I take Akane inside and set the traps that her father told me to do set. I left the house giving Akane my cellphone number. I take Izaya home when he leaves he seems a lot happier than he was. He grabs me and pulls me in a kiss and he sticks his tongue in my mouth shocking me. He pulls back licking his lips and says,"See you later my love (y/n)." I look at him still shocked and say,"O-Ok s-see you later." I get on my motorcycle and drive him.
(Izaya's pov)
            I barge though the door and yelled,"Namie! Where are you I need help with something!" Namie walks in and says,"What do you want Izaya." I walk up to her and say,"I need my gun so I can kill someone." She looks at me and says,"Is it Shizuo?" I look at her and say,"Yes it is so I am going to leave and kill him thanks for the gun." I go outside and notice that it is raining. I go to where I was going to shot Shizuo but I fine him on the floor already shot 3 times. I pull out my gun to shoot him in the head but I hear someone running over here. I hide in the shadows and notice that it was (y/n). I quietly load my gun and shot him in the head with my silencer. She walks over to him and saying,"Shizuo hey are you ok?" I see her search for his pulse but she looks down and says,"You shouldn't have left without me. It is my fault I should have left with you rest in peace." I hear her start to weep then I pretend to act like I barely got there by running to her. "(Y/n) is Shizuo alright",I say to her. She turns to me with tears in her eyes and moves into my arms and starts to cry. I pet her hair and she falls asleep in my arms. I carry her into my house and put her in my bed.

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