Shut up and GO TO SLEEP

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I wake and find the house covered in blood. Izaya was petting my head with a bloody hand smiling. I feel myself start to shake wondering how I lasted this long.
Izaya kisses my forehead and said,"The power couple got away, but the others didn't." I tried to move,but I was still paralyzed. Izaya smiled and brought his face down to mine saying,"Don't worry my lovely (y/n). All you need is me."
    He kissed my forehead and I wanted to scream out,"Why?! Why did I even love this man. He isn't the one I love anymore....he is He killed my friends. As soon as this wears off I'm leaving I can't take anymore of this....I'm sorry."
       I was able to move my fingers just a bit and Izaya grabbed my hand and linked it in his. I started to cry and he wiped my tears away stating,"Why are you crying? You should know I do this for you. Everything I did right now was for you." I feel my chest grow tight and I started to sob.
      Why? Why did you do this? Why did you kill my friends!? The people I care about and trust!? I wanted to yell these at him. I want to hurt him. I wanted to....KILL HIM. The only thing preventing from doing that was this paralyzed state I was in.
    I smiled a bit while I was crying. He seemed puzzled about my expression. He cresses my face and said,"Well (y/n) I think you might kill me now,but I can't allow that." He grabbed my hand and said,"My love I  think it is time for me to make sure you don't do anything I don't want you too."
      My heart dropped at those words. I knew what he was going to do. Izaya was going to make me paralyzed for the rest of my life or he was going to kill me and keep my dead body or something.
       I knew I had to get out fast. I was able to almost gained all of the feeling in my body when he kissed me. He breaks the kiss and smiled saying,"My how I love those lips." I hit him with my head and rolled off the couch and ran. I jumped over Kuroo and Bokuto and my heart dropped. Izaya tackle me and said,"You can't escape." I kick his hand off and I crawl out the door and he grabbed my foot pulling me back in. I yelled out and Izaya said,"Why would you leave the kids? Don't you want to stay? Last chance if you leave again I make you stay."
My head pounds as I try to remember who I left the kids with. I looked around and saw no sign of them anywhere. What I also saw was no sign of Celty and Shinra. I prayed that they took them and I kicked Izaya again.
I got up and shut the door and started to run down the stairs not even thinking about the elevator. I almost tripped but I caught my footing and kept going. I heard Izaya yelling my name,but I kept on running. I made it outside the building and my chest started to burn as I ran down the street.
My mind was blank I ignore everything I could used or done. I kept on running and bump into someone. I look up and saw Simon. He seemed to notice my panicked expression and said,"Why don't you come in and have some sushi." I looked behind me and I heard Izaya yell,"Why don't you come back (y/n)!I won't hurt you!" Simon pushed me inside and I said,"Wait don't I don't want you to get hurt. Just give me a second to catch my breath and I can take care of him." Simon said,"No, you can have sushi and I can take care of Izaya." He shut the door on me and I sat on the floor.
I heard some talking and arguing then it went silent. I peeked out of the window in the door. I saw Izaya being restrained by Simon. He was thrashing,but then Simon collapsed. I gasped and backed away from the door. I turn to get up when Izaya kicked the door open and said,"Found you. Now why don't you stay with me forever."
     With those words he pounced on my and pulled out a knife saying," Well what do you choose going to sleep or staying alive with me for the rest of your life? Don't worry I'll take great care of you. You won't need to lift a finger. So will you stay with me?"
      My whole body started to shake he shifted his weight to keep me pinned down. He brought the knife down to my cheek and said coldly,"Your time is running out." I put on a fake smiled and said," Hey Izaya I will live with you for the rest of my life." Izaya's expression hardened and he said,"I don't believe you." Everything went black, but I knew I was alive.
        I woke up and I could move not one bit. It had a different feeling then when I was paralyzed. Izaya peeked into my face and said,"Well since you didn't want to die I thought I would do something different." He brought a full length mirror over and I saw I looked like a doll. I started to cry and Izaya wiped my tears away and said,"Don't worry you can still talk,but you can move." He smiled and kissed my forehead and said,"Now you will near leave."

                       Bad End
(A/n: what did you think about the bad end? Don't worry the good end will be up as soon as I'm done so two day at the most. Well love you guys see you later.)

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