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(Your pov)
I wake up in a foreign bed. I look around and notice that I am in Izaya's bed I look around the room and I don't see him. I come out of the bed and notice that I have a cute nightdress on. I was extremely short and it had lace on it. I start to blush when I remembered what happened. I felt myself start to cry when Izaya walks in. When he looks at me I start to blush. He pulls me into his arms and kisses me. When he stops kissing me he says,"Are you okay my love?" I grab on to him and say,"Yes I feel better now." He looks at me and says,"So do you want to know about love?" I nod. He gestures for us to sit on the bed. As we sit down he says,"I forgot to tell you this but I am looking for the person that killed Shizuo. I found the man who killed him it was the one of the Blue Squares that killed him. Here is his picture." I look at the picture and I recognize him. I was the man that took over the Yellow Scarves and change it to the Blue Square. I feel my self being to shake when Izaya wraps his arms around me and says,"Don't worry I already sent people to kill him, so back on track. Love is when you want someone to be by your side forever. I know what it feels because I am in love with you and that doesn't happen very often." I look at him and say,"I always thought that you were just messing with my feels but I can see it now. I think I know what it feels like I believe that I love you." I see Izaya's whole expression change the next thing I know he was pinning me down with a crazy lustful expression. He starts aggressive kissing my neck and says,"I want you (y/n)." I start to blush and I say,"I-I don't think that I am ready for this. Um it is not like I have never done this it is just you are going way to fast for me. Why don't we just sleep in the same bed?" I say in my head,'why the hell did I say that?' Izaya looks at me and says,"Ok let's do that." He gets off of me and we both climb into bed. He grabs me and pulls me to him. I put my head on his chest and say,"Goodnight." He responds,"Goodnight my lovely (y/n)."

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