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Izaya walks over and grabs my hand saying,"Let's go home (y/n)." I walk with him leaving the house without Mizuki and Shizuo. I walked all the way to the car and felt myself getting lost in the darkness. I stop walking and that is when Izaya said,"What is up you have been spaced out for a while now?" I look at him and say,"I was just thinking about what I am going to do when I get to your house." Izaya looks at me and says," Nice try but you were trying to figure out if you have fallen for me am I right!?" I look at him and say,"Why are you so full of yourself." Izaya smiles and says,"Because I love all humans but you stand out more so I want to be the only one to know about you." I look at him and he walks to the door of the car and opens it. I sit down and say,"Thank you but if you kill my friends I won't stay with you willingly." Izaya smiles and says,"Well if you fall for me it won't matter will it?" I get flustered and say,"Ugh stop with saying that I will fall for you." Izaya gets in the car and starts driving while I look back hoping that I did the right thing. I look toward Izaya and that is when I notice a car coming full speed at us from the side. I say,"Izaya hit the break!" Izaya looks over at me and says,"Why?" I say," Just do it!" Izaya hits the break and the car hit the hood of the car making the whole car spin. I look over and see that Izaya is moving around in the car and that is when I saw he had no seatbelt. I grab onto him and pull him to me. I feel us hit a curb and flip over. I feel Izaya slip out of my grip and hit the windshield hard. I reach out for him then the car stops. I hear the other car drive off and I get my seatbelt off and grab Izaya. I start to smell gasoline. I start to freak out and that is when I see someone familiar. I yell,"Walker please help get me and my friend out of here!" I grab my mask and put it on Izaya and use it to hide his identity. I reach out toward him and he grabs my hand. I look back toward the car and see Erica grabbing Izaya out of the car. I rush over to Izaya and see that he has some bad head trauma. I go to go for my medical bag in the car and that is when I hear it a flame start. I grab Izaya ,Walker,and Erica and shove them safely from the explosion of the car. I see Erica run towards me and that is all that I remember before I black out from the pain. I woke up in the hospital with Izaya in the same room.

Hard to Believe love(Izaya X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now