Run!Kuroo is going to kill you!

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     I wake up and find Izaya sleeping on my stomach. I rub his head and say,"What a odd dream I guess it was mix with his feelings and mine." He walks up and asks," How was your sleep." I smile and say,"Well." I heard some running upstairs and Izaya sighs. He gets up and asks,"What are they doing seriously. Are they high school students or drunk college students." I sigh and say,"They probably are college students or something like that."
~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~
I walk down the street and someone bumps into to me. He lifts his head and I see someone with gray and black hair. He says,"Sorry and starts running again." I walk farther down the street and I man with black hair is sprinting down the street. He looked angry so I moved out of the way until he stopped in front of me and say," Have you seen a guy with gray and black hair run through here?" I nod and he grabs my hand stating,"Great your coming with me!" He started to run and drag me with him. I was so clueless to why he didn't just ask which way he went instead of taking me. We weaved through the crowd and he stops saying,"Ok which way did he go?" I respond,"He turned left here." He smiled with a evil look on his face and said,"Great pay back is going to be a bitch!" He started dragging me again. I sigh and he stops and mumbles,"It would be easier if I carried you I think." He picks me up in his arms and it startles me causing me to wrap my arms around his head and shove my chest into his face. He gasps and I let go and say,"Sorry,but it was your fault for picking me up with out telling me!" He chuckles and says,"Do you know how to get to a roof from here?" I nod and point to a fire escape and he pulls the ladder down and climbs it no problem with me in his arms. I ask,"So what is your name." He looks at me and says,"Kuroo and we are neighbors. I live in the place above you." I state,"So you and your friend who where running around making a lot of noise?" He nods and says,"Sorry about that." I smile and say,"Yeah I understand he hit you with mayo or something right?" He glances at me while he jumps to the next roof and say,"How did you know!" I laugh a bit and said,"Yeah there is some still left in your hair." He blushes and flips his hair. I smile and he stops and mumbled,"Found you!" He jumps off the roof I felt my heart beat quicken and I see his friend look up and notice us with pure terror. Kuroo lands on his feet no problem. I thought,"He really is like a cat." He pulls the guy to him putting me down and says,"You ready to die?" He mumbles,"No I still want to live it was a joke!" I see a vein pop out of Kuroo's forehead as he states,"A joke! Slapping something onto my face while I was sleeping you really think that wouldn't piss me off?" He adverts his eyes and says,"I didn't think you would get this angry.." I laugh a bit and they both look at me and say,"What are you laughing about?" I state,"I was thinking about how much Kuroo reminds me of a friend of mine." The guy Kuroo was holding said,"Your the person I ran into aren't you." I nod and say,"Yep and my name is (y/n)." He smiles and says,"My name is Bokuto and how come you are with Kuroo?" I look away and say,"He dragged me through the streets after I said that I saw you." He laughed at that and I say,"Well I got to go home Izaya is probably questioning people on where I am. He gets pretty angry if he sees me with other guys than him." Kuroo responds,"He sound possessive like a yandere." I look away and say,"Yeah I believe he is one." I walk away ignoring what they said after that and go back to the house.
~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~
I sigh and lay down in Izaya's lap listening to the kids sing and run around in the house. I hear a knock at the door and I see Kuroo dragging Bokuto behind him saying,"Do you know where I can hide a body?" I sigh and say,"What makes you think I know that." He puts one arm and the door jam and leans towards me saying,"I heard from some of your friends that your a killer." I shove him backwards and I hear Izaya yell,"Who is that." I turn and say,"A odd customer." He responds,"Ok let me know if you need me." I shut the door and say,"So um I guess I can show you at place." I hear Bokuto state,"I'm not dead yet." Kuroo kicks him and he groans. I said,"Okay um I guess I can get a truck or something. I need to call someone hold on." I call Erika and ask,"Hey Erika can I borrow your car?" She says,"Do you have our manga?" I state,"Yeah let me grab the issue and then I can the the car?" She replies,"Let me ask him.....he said don't hurt his car and we will be ok?" I smile and say,"Meet me in front of my house in 5 minutes." I hang up and say,"We got a car, but I need to grab some things be right back." I grab the 3 boxes of manga and open the door and go downstairs to meet Erika. I smile and say,"Here is it." She opens it and nods smiling. Saburo had me his keys saying,"If anything happened to my car then I will make sure you die early?" I smile and say,"I think Izaya wouldn't let that happen anyways let's go Kuroo." Kuroo put Bokuto in the back and sat next to bed and we drove for at least 30 minutes. Kuroo thanked me and I helped him bury Bokuto up to his neck. I sigh and wait for Kuroo to get into the car and I say," I'll get you out in the the morning. Don't worry you will be fine trust me." He whispered,"Thanks see you in the morning I guess. This is going to be scary."

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