Wedding Day

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          "Hey." says Izaya sleepily. I smile and pull him close saying,"You can go back to sleep if you want." I feel him snuggle into me and drift off back into sleep. I feel Mina touch my shoulder and say,"I'm going back to sleep to." By the time she fell asleep I was already angry at being stuck in the middle between to sleeping people so I decide to join them.
~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~
        I wake up with Izaya on my stomach and Mina's boobs in my face. I yell,"Get off of me!" I move them both to wake them up but it gets worse. My face gets stuck in between her boobs. And Izaya's head beings to move to my crotch. I squirm around trying to get my face out of her boobs but then she warps her arms around me. Izaya begins to dig his face into my crotch. All I thought was that how could this get any worse. It was hours before they both woke up. Mina freaked out and hit me then all that Izaya said was,"Oops.Hello lovely and werido in our bed." I kept on thinking,"Why did this happen to me?" Mina glares at him and gets out of bed. I get up out of bed and get dress and grab a drink and begin to chug it. Mina grabs it out of my hand and pours it out saying,"(y/n) make breakfast please or brunch in this case. Wait is it Friday?" My eyes widen and Mina grabs my hand and drags me out the door.
~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~
        She drags me into a store full of wedding dresses(sorry guys again if you don't like it) and grabs the one that is short in the front and is long in the back,no sleeves,and a crown like veil. I try it on and she gasps saying,"You look beautiful that is your dress I'm going to buy this for you!" I change out of it and Mina drags me to another place having me pick out a dress for her. I grab a dress that is long and has the back cut out. She grabs it and slips it on and says,"It is perfect now we are ready I will call Izaya." She calls him and starts an argument but then she says,"He is ready lets go." She grabs my hand taking me to the church. Izaya and I say our vows and Mina yells,"Have a fun time tonight."

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