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(A/n:I got a little singing in this so the song is for what is going to happen later on in the chapter.)
They smile and I pick up my phone and call Celty. I state,"Ok Celty um I'm coming over so get the headless rider ready,because I'm bring so friends over I guess and I can also pick (b/n) and (g/n). Oh and um make sure Shinra is ok with this." I hear her move the phone to Shinra and says,"She says she is fine with it so I am ok with it too. So see you guys soon then bye!" He hangs up and I'm shocked they said yes.  I look over to Jack and Mark and said,"They said yes so um...if you would follow me I guess. I get off of Izaya's lap and put some money on the table. I smile and grab Izaya's hand and start walking. I must have had a scary expression on my face because everyone was looking at us in fear and not even risking to bump into us. I saw a few people jump into on coming traffic and barely miss getting hit by the car. I sigh and Izaya states,"What's with your scary face you where so happy a little while ago." I shake my head and say,"Nothing really......I just feel pissed for some reason." He pats my head and I smile and say,"I'm fine now. Let's hurry before Shizuo or someone decides to attack you or me."
~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~
I knock on the door and I see Celty holding (g/n) in her arms. I put my arms out and Celty puts her in my arms and I smile and whisper,"Sorry about this." She types,"It is fine it just means you owe me more." I smirk and she leads us inside. I look at Shinra holding (b/n) on his lap. Izaya picks him up and takes him out of the room. I sit down the point to a chair and Mark sits down and Jack sits on his lap. I smile and Celty sits down and I state,"Here she is the headless ride." Celty takes off her helmet and I see Jack and Mark's eyes open wide. I laugh a bit and Shinra smiles a bit and I say,"So what do you think? She is one of my favorite people in the world." I pull her closer to me and say,"She is my sister if you want to know our connection." Celty types in response,"Like a sister!" I frown and pout saying,"Your so mean!" I hear the hold group laugh and I get up and get ready to leave. When I remember I wasn't here alone. I sigh and say,"Does anyone want to leave yet?" They shake theirs heads and I lay on the floor and start rolling around on the floor. I didn't really care about the weird looks I was getting.
~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~
Izaya and I had to drag Mark and Jack out of the house and brought them to there hotel rooms and I left. We arrived at home and I jump into bed and say,"Izaya you can put the kids to bed!" Izaya walks in and says,"Already done." I sit up and he pushes me back into bed and kisses me and says,"You can sleep now." I put my lips to his forehead and I says,"Ok I think I will night."
(A/n:You can play the song now.)
I walk around in a blank space and I sigh and sit down. I find a pen. I start to draw on the the walls and then I look down and see that I'm fully naked. I look around the room and it isn't blank anymore it looks like a park. I cover my self and I start walking around the park and find it empty. I walk around and find the whole city empty. I sigh and I say,"This dream is boring I'm want to wake up now." I didn't wake up for some reason. I got my clothes back and that was when I felt something making cuts on my arm. When I looked at my arm if said Izaya was here. I felt my anger start to boil over. When I get hugged from behind. I turn and see Izaya smiling saying,"Don't leave me ever. You are my property." I shake my head and shove him saying,"You don't own me! I willingly decided to spend my life with you! Sure you probably will try to kill me if I leave,but who says I won't survive! So bring it on!" He strokes my faces and says,"I don't know what todo todo todo. I'm hypnotized by the way. I hooked on this game. You always know what to say. I can't live without you! Out you out you out you..." I turned away and Izaya continued," I can't speak, I can't breathe I'm hanging on by a thread! I lost all sensibility, you bewitched me! I'm obsessed! I can't speak, I can't think! I feel like I'm losing my head. Oh you've got me addicted...." I looked at him and stated,"You sure are you just can't let me go." I wrap my arms around him and say," I didn't know we end up this way. I shut out the whole world around me... And I fear what would happen if I stay. Oh baby this isn't healthy. And I'm repulsed by the way. You keep me hooked on this game. I don't know what todo todo todo?I'm hypnotized by the way. You always know what to say. I can't live without you out you out you out you." I smile and say," I can't speak, I can't breathe. I'm hanging on by a thread. I lost all sensibility. You bewitched me I'm obsessed. I can't speak I can't think. I feel I'm losing my head. Oh you've got me addicted...." He kisses me and we hold hands walking down the street and we start singing," I can't move now cause your holding me down. And I can't see anyway to get out. I can't speak now though I'm trying to shout it all out so I'll be found. Cause I'm repulsed by the way. You keep me hooked on this game. I can't live without you out you out you.......I can't speak I can't breathe.I'm hanging on by a thread. I lost all sensibility you bewitched me I'm obsessed. I can't speak I can't think I feel I'm losing my head. Oh you've got me repeating what I said. I can't speak I can't breathe I'm hanging on by a thread. I lost all sensibility you bewitched me I'm obsessed. I can't speak I can't think I think I'm losing my head. Oh you've got me addicted... I'm addicted." I smile and wake up to Izaya clinging to me whispering,"Your.....mine..for....ever." I smile and pet his head saying,"And your mine forever."

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