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         I walk over to Izaya's bed and look at his injuries. He had a head wound. I sat down on his bed and noticed that I was asleep for almost a week. I look at Izaya and say,"You are such a fool. This is why I stay away from everyone." I lend down to his face and stop barely above his nose and I get up to look at his chart. I notice that it said he had a low chance of waking up from his coma. I felt the tears welling up and I started to think that I could heal him by giving him some of my blood to heal his wounds. I bit my wrist and took some of the blood in my mouth and kiss him giving him my blood. I notice that he changed color and looked better than he was before. I sighed and go to leave but someone grabs my hand.
     I turn around I see him smile at me. I wrap my arms around him and say,"Oh my god are you okay?" I then hear the doctor walk into the room shocked by what is happening. I get off of him and change my clothes letting the doctor check on him. I sit on my bed waiting for the doctor to leave.
I walk over and he says," Your a great kisser my lovely (y/n)!" I blush and sit on him bed making sure that he didn't sit up. He grabs my hand and pulls me to him. I look at him noticing that I was an inch away from his lips. He went to kiss me when Erica busted in like the cops saying,"(y/n)! I'm so glad you are alright I was so worried about you!" I get up and grab some water for us and she says,"How did you heal so fast?! You were so broken." I smile and say," It's not my fault I heal faster than most people." I walk over to my bed and sit down on it and that is when I noticed Shizuo in the corner. I got up and walked over to him saying,"Hey Shizuo." Shizuo just smiles at me without saying a word. I got closer to him and say,"I think that I really have fallen for him." Shizuo's eyes widen at my statement and then a voice behind me says," Of course (y/n) would fall for me! I know everything about this city and yet I don't know very much about (y/n)."

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