Mizuki's house

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I walk in the door and jump onto the couch. I lay down and Mizuki sits down next to me saying,"How are you in love with that guy. He is like insane and the completely different than you." I look at him and say,"You know that we are not completely different right? Izaya and I are both killers and I can be insane at times are you know it. You have seen me snap and helped me come back from the darkness." I get up and lay my head on his shoulder when I hear a crash in the next room. He see me jump and says,"Why did I go check it out. If I don't come back in 30 seconds then come and get me ok?" I nod and toss him my gun. I grab his hand and say,"Don't get hurt please."
(Mizuki's pov)
I waved off (y/n) hand and smile saying," Don't worry I still have a job to do. Plus if I died who would take care of you little sis." I see (y/n) face looking at me in shock that I called (y/s) my sister. I left the room with my gun in hand and walk into the room. I notice that the window is broken. I check all over the room and fine the nothing it out of the ordinary. I walk out of the room to find that (y/n) disappeared. I search the house and find (y/s) knocked out on the floor. I go to pick (y/n) up then I hear someone behind me. I swing at the person that is when I realized who it was. I pick (y/n) up and say,"What is up Shizuo?"   He smiles and says,"Nothing much I saw (y/n) and I thought that I would talk to (y/s) but someone else was here."
(Your pov)
       I go to get up to see why Mizuki was taking so long then out of no where something hit me then it went black. I wake up in Mizuki's arms and I hear him talking to someone. I look over to where he is talking. That is when I see that he was talking to Shizuo. I tap his arm and say,"Can you put me down." He nods and says,"I thought you said he was dead?" "I thought so too,but apparently I healed him without knowing." I tell Mizuki. Shizuo grabbed my arm and said,"What is going on why are you here? Is Izaya still around? Have you really fallen for Izaya?" I tell Shizuo," I am here because my house is gone. Izaya tried to do me last night and this morning and he tried to kill Mizuki. I don't know if I have be I believe I have."

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