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      I sit on my bed and sigh I get back up. I walk out to the living room and see that I should call Mina to help fix the window and find a new couch. I go to leave when I here Izaya yell my name. I sigh and just leave dragging Shizuo with me. I throw him into his houses and leave to Mina's house. I arrived and say,"Why does this crap always happen to me. Come one lets get my new couch and fix the window I guess. I have never been so angry in my life! Well that is not true I was more angry at my sister but never mind." I begin to laugh and Mina just looks at me weird and states,"You ok love?I think you have finally lost it." I glance at her and say,"Whatever time to grab a couch and fix my window." I grab her hand and start to walk down the street and I see this wonderful couch and say,"This one will do it looks a lot like the original. Now time for the glass." I have them delivered the glass and the couch to our house. I sigh and sit down in front of my house while people begin to scatter around me. I get up and bump into a man. I look up and notice it was the new lead of the yellow scarves that was the original leader of the blue squares. I sigh and he shoves me into a wall saying,"Hey bitch you should apologize when you bump into someone! You know it is rude to sigh at someone you just bumped into." I look up at him and state,"Go away I am busy here." He pushes me back into the wall and states,"Looks like someone needs to teach you some manners bitch." I grab his shirt collar and state,"Stop calling me a bitch I am a woman not a dog." I kick him between the legs and leave and I hear him yell,"You will regret that!" I laugh and say,"I would love to see you try." I walk up to our building and that is when someone swings a bat at me. I grab it and turn around with my gun and state,"Oh looks like you tried to get rid of me the cowardly way. You aren't men at all." I turn to leave when Izaya rushes out and says,"(y/n)! Where did you go I wanted you to make dinner for me but you were gone. While you where gone they brought a new couch and some glass for the broken window are installed already." I sigh and say,"Izaya I'm in the middle of something here I will make dinner after I'm done with this ok." The blue square's old leader shows up behind me grabbing my hair. Izaya grabs his knife throwing it at him and hits him in the shoulder. I kick him and say,"Your even more of a coward than your men!" I walk out and Izaya just goes berserk after I leave.
       I set dinner on the table and say,"So I know the sex of the baby now it is....(tell me in the comments what should the child's sex be if not then you will have twins. They will be the opposite sex to the other.)

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