Fireworks and Stuff.

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I wake up and find Izaya not in bed. I get up and walk down the hall and see him making breakfast. I wrap my arms around him and say,"What you up to. You hardly ever make breakfast?" He smiled and said,"Today is a special day. I found you another job." I sigh and say,"Hm... Depends on what type of job." He put the food and the table and that is when I realized(the writer forgot about the kids for like 4 chapters oops),"Isn't today a firework show? Why don't we have a family trip?" He smiles and said,"The target should be at the firework show. So why not it will be fun!" I sigh and say,"Well who is it?" Izaya takes out his cell and says,"Here he is. Rokujo Chikage. He should be easy to kidnap. He is a big womanizer and your sexy(guys sorry for the cross dressing here cough Alex cough). So it really doesn't matter you should get him easily." I punch him and say,"So you want me to act like a slut and get all over this guy while you hangout with the kids? No! I don't want to!" Izaya wraps his arms around my shoulders and says,"I didn't say you had to act like a slut. Just get some random guys angry at you at all sweet and innocent and make a big commotion. Get his attention and have him save you and you take the taser and use it when he tries to kiss you. I'm sure you can do it." I push him away and say,"No! I know I can do it, but why that guy of all people. I hate you! You know that! Fine,I will do it on one condition. You can't leave (g/n) and (b/n) alone you got that and make sure they don't see me you know how the job would affect the kids. It would scar them for life they would be like My mom's a murder!Aaaaahhhhh or something... then what would I do! There would be no way to hide the fact that I'm a assassin anymore."
~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~
        I sigh and look around and think,"Am I really doing this?" I walk over to a group of men and think,"How am I going to piss them off?" I look over to the side and see
Rokujo, so I grab some (choose a drink) and trip splashing it into their faces. I giggle a little to make it seem like I am drunk and did I on purpose. I look up at them and say,"Oh my goodness I am so sorry! How can I help?" The men seemed pissed and started to gang up on me, but Rokujo didn't notice yet. I squeeze though a hole and move into his line of sight and that is when I trip for reals in one of the men grabs me by the leg and then Rokujo says,"That is no way to treat a lady! You let her go!" I kick the guys face breaking his nose and get up while Rokujo lifted me off the ground and moved me away from the group. I hit him and say,"What are you doing? Put me down." He snickers and says,"You don't have to act tough in front of me. Did you come here alone?" I get out of his arms and blush thinking,"I'm seriously doing this. I'm so going to kill Izaya after this. This is so embarrassing and stupid." I says,"Thank you for saving me from those men I didn't know what would've happened if you weren't there." I think,"Oh my god I feel like I'm going to freaken puke. Hurry up and fall for me already." He smiles and says,"I know where we can see the fireworks real great from come on I'll show you." I smile and say,"Okay I would love to go with you." We walk up to the top of the hill as the firworks started. We got to the top I reached into my pocket and grabbed the taser. I smile and grab onto his arm and say,"I feel dizzy I think I had one too many to drink." He smiled and touched my hair going for the kiss and boom zapped him......more times than needed. I sigh and say,"I'm not getting out of the shower for like a day now." I call Izaya and say,"It is done now bring the car over here."

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