The Winner

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I sigh and walk around the house bored. There was a knock at the door and I opened it to find Shizuo. I shut the door and locked it knowing that wouldn't hold him. I waited,but nothing happened. I peek my head out the door again and see him still standing in the same spot. I waved my hand in front of his face, but there was still no response. I looked behind him and saw Shinra and Celty running around in the forest getting chased by monokumas. I called out to them and they stopped and looked in my direction. I stepped out more and waved. Shinra yelled,"Your alright (y/n)? I thought you were kidnapped or something,but I never thought you were dead. You just left the kids at our place and were never seen again. What happened to you!?" I sighed and pulled them inside and said,"Well Izaya had really bad injuries so we came here since he didn't want to be in Ikebukuro anymore. Sorry about leaving the kids with you...I didn't want them to get caught up in this mess but I guess it is too late." I see (b/n) running around holding a monokuma head and (g/n) saying,"Where's mom.....Oh over there look!" I smiled as they run into my arms and I said,"I missed you guys!" I kiss their foreheads and said,"Let's go inside and have some ice cream!" I walk inside and see Izaya on the couch eating a tub of ice cream. I snatch the tub of ice cream and said,"I was saving that!" He laughed and pulled me over the side of the couch and said,"I didn't eat it all." He stroked my face and said,"Maybe I should feed it to you." I hit him and said,"No we got company." He looked passed me and saw (b/n) and (g/n) he smiled and said,"I haven't seen them in a while come here." They jumped onto Izaya. He groaned in pain and I remember his injuries and I yelled,"What are you doing walking around the house!? You should still be in bed you idiot! (B/n), (g/n) don't jump on your father he was.....hit by Shizuo." The children turned towards me and said,"What is a Shizuo?"
"I am a Shizuo." I turned and saw the door broken. I facepalmed and said,"Why couldn't you just open the door or knock like a normal person?" He shrugged and said,"I thought it was locked...Anyways I'm here to finish the job." I glance towards Izaya and he was smiling.
"I really don't think you should kill him......yet." I yelled,"What is with all these timed entrances!?" They shrugged and Komaeda said,"Well I guess you win Izaya so (y/n) it is time for the penalty." I smiled and said,"Yay!"
     I grabbed everything I needed for the penalty and took out a camera. I sighed and Komaeda said,"Izaya are you ready for you penalty!" Izaya sighed and said,"I don't know are you?" He shakes his head and I smiled saying,"I'm so happy that both of you get the penalty. Wahahahaa." I started to laugh evilly and I ruined it by giggling. I cleared my throat and said,"Here we go 5,4,3,2,1!"
~~~~~My penalty~~~~~
I started to laugh so hard when Izaya kissed Shizuo. And Shizuo's face was priceless. Shizuo's face turned bright red and I said,"Erika would be so happy! Shizaya happened!" I fangirled and was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. I turned to Komaeda and said,"Your turn."
Komaeda gulped and I said," Hehehe,hmmmm let's see what your penalty should be." I went into thought and said,"Oh I remember now! You were supposed to make my otps come reality so I brought someone here." I laughed manically and said,"Hajime Hinata you can come in now." Komaeda frowned and said," Let's get this over with." Izaya started to laugh when Shizuo finally started to chase him around the house. Hinata shuffled in place blushing and said,"Hurry up and get this over with." Komaeda smiled and said,"She said she wants it to be magical. So let's gaze at each other." Komaeda held Hinata in his arms and lifted up his chin and said,"Izaya is too aggressive I like to take my time." I felt like I was going to pass out of happiness. Komaeda leaned in and kiss Hinata. Komaeda kissed him passionately and Hinata's face grew redder as he gave into the kiss and finally closed his eyes. I was like Yes and Izaya was like haha you can't catch me Shizuo! I really do think that that was the best day of my shipping life and regular life.

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