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        I say," Of course you don't! Only very few people know my background it is not something that you get from anyone." Izaya smiles at my comment and says," That is why you are so intriguing to me." I blush at his words and say,"Well I don't think that the past matters very-" "Hey (y/n) how long are you going to talk to your boyfriend before talking to your own brother?",says a man standing in the corner of the room. I look at him and say,"Sorry big brother I saw you but I didn't want to talk to you about Izaya or anything that has happened lately." "I should know what is going on because I am your only family you have left! I haven't heard from you in weeks!" "Sorry about that I meant to talk to you but one thing happened after another. Causing me not to talk to you like I would like to." I say getting up to talk to him. I get about within arms length and he moves to kick me. I block it and flip him and pin his arms behind his back before he even hit the floor. I smile and say,"You still love to hit me like this even when I go was injured and put in the hospital." He smiled at me and I hear Izaya say,"Are family reunions always like this between you two?" I release my grab and back away from my brother and say,"I guess so?" I feel Izaya grab me from behind and I look at my brother and everyone in the room. I smile and say,"Thank you for coming out here for me. It is true now Izaya and I are dating now."

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