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            They turn towards me saying,"Looks like Izaya finally has a girlfriend. I always thought he would get together with Shizuo." They sigh,"There goes our plan." I smile at them and say,"So these are the sisters that you never talk about and hate every second of their life. I don't see why." I turn to go grab something in the kitchen when I heard a thump. I turned around and grabbed Mairu's foot and say,"Next time try not to be such an open book." I release her foot and walk away into Izaya's room and shut the door. I go into the bathroom and take a long bath. I start to hear yelling and things crashing so I turn up my music. I lay there in the bath relaxing when Izaya coming in the bathroom in a hurry and shuts and locks the door behind him. I sit up covering myself saying,"How is it going with your sisters." He looks at me all beaten up saying,"Wonderful as you can see." I laugh and say," Are they leaving any time soon?" I gesture him to come to me. I grabbed him pulling him into the bath. I smile and say," Who cares if they left or not who says we can't have a bath together." Izaya looks at me and says,"What is up you are acting really weird." I put my head on his chest and say,"I really have been acting strange this morning I think I need to eat something and sleep too." I go to get out and he grabbed my waist and pulled me back in and said,"Let's finish our bath first." I kiss him and pull off his clothes. He says,"Wow you definitely aren't yourself." He pulls me closer and I say,"Hey in joy it while you can."

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