Long time no see

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I smash her head onto the floor and say,"Man,why am I always getting caught up in mess I don't want to. So I'm only going to ask this once. If you want to live you better answer. Here is my question I want to know why you are here besides to kill me and Izaya I want to know if you had a reason behind it. My second easier question is who sent you." I sigh and wait for her answer,but she never did. I knocked her out and stated,"Do whatever you want with her Izaya. I'm going outside,so I don't have to look at this mess of a house anymore."
       I walk outside and think,"When did he had time to make a second house in a underground cave with small hot spring? Izaya must have lots of free time on his hands."
I put my feet into the hot spring and I state,"This might be just what I need." I sit down in the hot spring and relax a bit and then I started to hear crashes in the house. I begin to think what the ruckus could have been,but then I thought since Kasane Kujiragi was able to make it into here why not Shizuo. I try to ignore it since I wanted to relax even though I knew that Shizuo inside the house causing a ruckus. I start to hum a song and then I see Izaya run out the house with a smile with Shizuo chasing after him. I dip my head under the water and think,"Should I ignore them or should I intervene....Shizuo probably already already finished wrecking the house. So stopping him now is not going to do anything." I pop my head back out and I see his face in front of mine. I shrieked a bit and shoved him away from me. Izaya tapped him and the shoulder and said,"I would enjoy it if you wouldn't bother my (husband/wife)." Shizuo lunged at Izaya and said,"I do what I want." I get out while their backs are turned to me and get dressed real quick and say,"I believe I haven't gotten my payback for what you did to me on my honeymoon." I punch him in the face and leave to start cleaning up the mess of a house Izaya and I have left
~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~
         I wake up to Izaya shaking me wake saying,"Hey my lovely (y/n) your phone has been going off like crazy for like 10 minutes can you check it please." I look up and him and state,"Sorry I thought I turned it off. I can't believe I didn't wake up to it. I'm sorry. I swear if this phone call is not important I'm going to kill the person calling me." I grab the phone and leave the room saying,"Hello who is this?" I heard heavy sobbing on the other side and the person said,"Is this the person that killings people for a high demand." I sit down and say,"Depends on who is asking and what is in it for me." After that the person on the other line cries for a couple of minutes and I state,"I don't have all day tell me where you want to meet if you can't say it over the phone you can arrange a meeting in a cafe or bar,but if tell anyone about the planned day of killing and you will be killing instead of the person that you want to be killed. That is the  one and only killer rule I will tell you the rest later if you keep on wasting my time." I was about to hang up when the client said,"Wait! I'll stop crying I want you to kill Haruya Shiki." I sit up and that name as Izaya take my phone away from my ear and says,"I'm sorry no can do he is one of my places I get my money from, so no dice you will have to find someone else to do it." Izaya hang up the phone and said,"Your new client was trying to ruin my business. Haruya Shiki is the one who comes the most often to me for information he is my main customer. If he dies so does my most of my profit." I sigh and say,"Calm down don't worry I wasn't going to go behind your back and recall the client anyways I'm going back to sleep it is way too early for me to be up goodnight."

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