Forgiveness (maybe?)

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      I decided to fight the drug. I rolled off the couch and Izaya said,"Don't do that you will get hurt." He grabbed me and put me back on the couch. I hit his chest and the commotion seemed to get the attention of most of the guests. Izaya's face turned dark and whispered,"See what you have done. You ruined my plan."
        I smiled a bit and said,"That is why I did that. I won't let you kill my friends. Izaya let them go and I won't leave you." Izaya smiled faintly,but the hint of jealous was still there.
     I decided to tell him what I know would make him happy."Izaya if you don't want me to see other people tell me. If you need to know who I'm talking to I will tell you." I thought about what to say next, but I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I looked down and saw Izaya's knife in my leg.
    Izaya's face contorted in pain as he stabbed me saying,"I'm sorry,but I can't allow you to leave." I put my hand to his face and said,"Who said I would leave?" Izaya's eyes teared up and he said,"The person that was here before you said the same thing....After that they left me alone. So this time I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU LEAVE." Izaya lifted his knife and I grabbed it and force him to drop it.
       I pull his head to me and said,"It is ok I forgive you. Just stop. I won't leave you." Izaya was taken a back by the words 'I forgive you'. Izaya asked,"How can you...How can you be so different. I truly do think you are my favorite human."
     The whole room was silent only Izaya and I were left. They knew that if they stayed I would die. Not even (g/n) and (b/n) stayed. Shinra and Celty took them. It was like they were already their children instead of mine.
     Izaya brought his hand to my hurt leg. He ripped part of his shirt and tied it around my leg and said,"Let's move to the bathroom so I can fix you up." He lifted me into the air and I still felt scared of him. I wondered if the kids would ever come back.
    I dug my head into his chest and said,"You know I hate the jealous part of you. It is like sometimes you can't control it and you lash out and hurt me without wanting to." He nodded in agreement and said,"I'm......s-sorry about stabbing you. I didn't want to I was so afraid of you leaving me alone. I need you to function properly." I agreed and he put me on the sink and started to patch me up.
After that day I knew what to say and what not to say. I never pissed him off again. He didn't want to kill anyone again,but I only got the see (b/n) and (g/n) every once in a while. I was saddened at that I couldn't see them as much, but I didn't want to risk them getting hurt when Izaya gets jealous or goes crazy. Celty and Shinra looked happy when I saw them together. They knew the reason why I had to miss their wedding and I still was sad I didn't make it but the did video chat with me during the wedding so that was good. I still miss everyone at times,but I still am happy at times. I really didn't want my worst nightmare to come true.

Good End
(A/n: here is the good end I thought it was good let my know what you think well love you guys thanks for reading my story and all the votes!)

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