Oikawa Can't Have What He Wants

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(A/n: play the video when Oikawa comes into the house.)
I wake up and the morning and tell him,"I'm leaving to go dig out Bokuto." He nods and I open the door and leave. I get on my car and I say,"Let's go and see if he is okay."
~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~
I pull up and say,"Bokuto you still alive?" He replies,"I think." I smile and start to dig him out. I pull him out of the hole and I say,"There you go." I brush the hair and sweat away and I think," I wonder what Kuroo would say if he see him. Oh well."
~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~
     I knock on the door and say,"Kuroo it's me.Bokuto wants to talk to you." He opens the door and tells me,"What the hell why isn't he in the hole I dug up?!" I smirk and rub the back of my head and say,"I dug him up and he wants to say something." Bokuto tells Kuroo,"I'm sorry Kuroo it was meant to be a joke and nothing else." Bokuto pulls salmon out and I was totally confused from where he got it. Kuroo's eyes lit up like a cat,but he tried to hide it as he looks way still acting mad. I laugh and say,"I think I'm going to leave the two of you alone." I turn to leave when Kuroo and Bokuto both grab my shoulders taking me inside the house. I gasp and they smile and Kuroo shoves the salmon in my face asking," Can you cook this for us?" I reply,"I don't know you guys just shoved me into your house. They gave me puppy eyes and I gave in and started cooking. I hear a knock and Kuroo says,"About time he takes forever." I finish cooking when I feel someone wrap his arms around me and whispers in my ear,"Who is this hottie in the kitchen?" I turn around and say,"Who is this dog in heat?" Kuroo smiled and my comment,but Oikawa frown and said,"Aw why are you so mean to me?" I shrugged my shoulders and said,"Maybe if you didn't try to touch a married woman then I wouldn't be mad!" He tilts his head and turns to the two and asked,"So one of you guys finally scored for once?" I watch them mumble I wish and I heard the time go off. I sigh and turn off the fire and say,"I'm leaving now to go to my husband before he tries to murder people that he thinks would take me from him...
Goodbye." I put my hand on the handle when Oikawa spun me around putting his arms on either side of me saying,"So how long are you going to play hard to get? I have fuck-" I shut my eyes like an idiot and I hear a slam. I see Bokuto and Kuroo smash Oikawa onto the floor. I feel a warm smile appear on my face. Kuroo and Bokuto said,"You can come back when this guy isn't around we will come downstairs to get you so that we can give you something for your hospitality." I keep my smile and nod leaving the room. I shut the door and sigh. I begin to walk down the stairs when I bump into Izaya waiting at the bottom. He looked at me with a concern face and said,"It looks like you had a ruff time. Do you want me to massage you?" I smile and say,"If you do a good job." He puts arms around my shoulder and said,"Maybe the kids can help?" I giggle a bit and say,"I don't want my back broken or hurt but thanks anyway." He smiled and kissed my neck saying,"Do you want to do it naked?" I smile and say,"I don't know are you going to try anything?" He smiled and said,"I kind of can't because the kids are around." I smiled and said,"That is true I think I will do it naked." He opens the door and said,"Great!" I smiled and said,"So if there is a guy with brown hair at the door ignore it and act like you aren't home. He is a client that had a stupid reason and didn't have enough money. Don't tell him to go away just let him leave if he keeps on knocking or ringing the doorbell then tell me and I will handle it." He nods and pushes me onto the bed and yells,"Strip!" I blush at him and say,"Don't be so loud!" He smiled and laid on top of me saying,"Or do you want me to strip you?" I sigh and say,"Nope it can do it myself." "Oh denied!" Izaya and I both flip over and I see a familiar face and I state,"What do you want Oikawa?!" He smiles and leans on the door frame saying,"You isn't it obvious." I feel Izaya move his hand onto my leg and squeezes it as if he was telling me to leave to room and get the kids out because this is going to go door hill fast. Oikawa noticed my gaze to the door and said,"Don't worry the kids are with Kuroo and Bokuto. It was hard to get those kids of your up there but they are there probably staring at each other." I got to get up but Izaya holds on the bed he whispered,"You are still going to have to hold back. The kids are upstairs so it means that they can hear us. That means that they could rush downstairs." I got an idea and said,"I'll call Kuroo and tell him what to do with the kids." I call him and he picks up after the first ring and says,"Why are you kids here!?" I sigh and explain the situation and tell him that I'm going to send he Shinra's address and they can take care of the kids. I hang up and sigh Oikawa glanced at me saying,"You are taking too long. I'm not going to wait all night for you." I glare at him and said,"Your really starting annoy me. Most people would leave me alone after I say my husband is a yandere,but the ones who stay are a yandere themselves." He smiled and said,"So you learned I'm not a good boy. Most people I date because I'm bored,but I never wanted someone so much!" I see his eyes loose his sanity and he said,"Be mind or did." He lunges at me and I grab his arm and Izaya hits him making him slid back. Izaya pulls me off the bed standing in front of me. Every time I tried to get in front of him he put his arm out. I gasped and said,"Izaya!" He turned getting stabbed in the arm. I kick Oikawa's arm popping it out of its socket. He gasps in pain and I pull the knife out of Izaya's arm and tie a cloth on it. He stated harshly,"This is pissing me off! He puts his foot on Oikawa's shoulder and I whisper,"No he is not." I see him lift his foot and crash it down harder and faster on his shoulder. I shove Izaya and say,"Hey that is enough please no more. If we hurt him anymore then he won't be able to play volleyball and finish his school." He returned back to me for a bit,but then he said,"I can leave bruises that won't hurt his career." A smile formed on his face as Oikawa moans in pain. Izaya kicks him and says,"The hunter toys with his prey before he kills it. Now let's see you beg for your LIFE!" I see him start laughing as he kick Oikawa all over his body. I felt my legs start shaking. I fall onto my knees thinking,"I have killed,kidnapped and tortured many people,but seeing Izaya like this it sends such fear through me why?! Why am I afraid of him!" I run to him and tackle him onto the floor saying,"Stop no more you don't have to kill him! You taught him it isn't going to be easy to get me! Izaya please stop your scaring me..." With those last words coming out of my mouth I started to cry. He gave me a hug and pulled me to him. He whispered,"I'm sorry...Ill stop just stop crying." He patted my head and said,"It is okay I'll call Shinra and have him take care of Oikawa ok?" I nod and hold onto him. Still shaking from the scene that kept repeating in my head.

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