Getting out finally

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           I turn towards Izaya and he kisses me deeply. I hear my brother yell," Get a room!" Izaya grins at his words and says,"Well maybe we will." I blush at his words and my brother laughs at his comment waves at me and says."See you later bye." I sigh and say,"Wow how much more annoying can my brother be?" Izaya hugs me from behind and starts to kiss my neck I try to turn around but he has me stuck in place. I started to hear everyone leave because of him. I grab his hands and say,"We are in public we shouldn't do this here." Izaya smiles and says,"Then you want to do it when we get back to my place am I right?" I blush slightly as I say,"Yes."
~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~
Izaya opens the door for me and I scan the room noticing that the place looked searched. I walk around noticing what one thing was missing out of the whole buliding. Namie was missing in the house I saw a note and I grabbed it and burned it. Izaya notice that and he said,"What did the note say?" I looked toward him and said,"I won't be back for a while." Izaya smiled and said,"Looked like she escaped once again. I hope she know what she is doing." I smile and say,"Well it means that we have the whole place to ourselves." Izaya looks at me shocked saying,"What happened to you it is like you hit your head and changed into a different person. I love it even more!" He starts to kiss me striping me. I take off his shirt when I hear b a knock at the door. Izaya says,"It can wait they can leave a note on the door or call me." We begin to resume when I hear a loud crack from the door. I turned and I saw that the door was being kicked down. I quickly grabbed my shirt and put it on and grab my gun and pointed it at the door. Kururi and Mairu walk in and I say,"What do you want?" They smile and say,"I just want to talk to our big brother." Izaya says,"Normally you don't ever talk to me you always fight me or something in that manner."

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