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      Izaya grabs my hand and states,"Tell me what are we having?"
I look down at him and say,"We are having twins one boy and one girl." Izaya smiles and states,"We are going to have a big family then." He gets up and pulls out my chair stating,"Sit down my lovely (y/n)." I smile and I sit on the chair and state,"Thank you after this we can do something after it." Izaya look at me and said,"What do you have in mind?" I smile and say,"Let's see a movie or go out the the festival down the street?" Izaya states,"Let me think about it give me like 5 mins."
~~~~~5 minutes later~~~~~
          "I think we should go to the festival.",states Izaya. I smile and grab his hand walking out of the door. We reach the beginning of the first booth and he yells,"I want a mask!" I giggle at his child like remarks and start looking at the masks. I grab one that looked like a(you choose one like a fox,cat,devil etc.) and put it up to my face. Izaya smiles and states,"It looks perfect on you. Can you choose mine?" I giggle and grab a(same or different u choose) mask. We put them on and walk around till we saw a goldfish booth. I try to scoop up a goldfish,but I miss Izaya grabs my hand and whispers in my ear,"You have to be patient then you can....get one!" He uses my hand to scoop up two. I giggle a bit as his face is full with child like happiness. I go to look away,but I trip over my own feet. Izaya laughs at me as I get angry at him for making fun of me,but it was all fun and games until I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I stop and look in that area. Izaya stops and states,"What is wrong?" I don't move my gaze and state,"I saw something over here and now I got a creepy feeling can we leave please?" He nods and we leave.
I sigh as I sit on the couch and lay down in his lap. I begin to fall asleep when the same feeling hits me again I sit up and Izaya looks at me shocked asking,"Hey are you getting that feeling again?" I nod and move a bit closer to him. I glance over to where his desk is and see that something was missing. I try to remember and that was when it hit me. My gun was missing from that desk. I move my hands around me looking to see if I put it on me. I didn't find it. I look at Izaya with fear in my eyes and he states,"I have an idea of where we can stay for the night." He grabs my hand taking me to the bookcase. I look up at him squeezing his hand. He pulls open a book and the opens a door he takes the book and burns it as the door shuts behind us I hear a loud crash.

Hard to Believe love(Izaya X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now