The Penalty(OH BOY!!)

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      I sit down wake up Izaya and say,"Hey Komaeda is here to talk about the penalty for the loser." He smiled and sat up and said,"So Komaeda what do you have in mind?" Komaeda shrugged and said," The loser...gets to tell the other person how to kill himself without the kill being on their hands?" I hit Komaeda and said,"You already mastered that!" Izaya smiled and said,"The loser gets killed by Shizu-chan." I sigh and say,"What about we do a penalty game? We put all of the penalty we want on the wheel. The loser spins the wheel and whatever it lands on then person has to do it?" Komaeda and Izaya glance at each other and then agree. I pull out the wheel and a marker and say,"Here is the rules there is no death penalty, you can bring the person close to death but that is as far as you can go. None of the penalties can be involved with me." Izaya frowned a bit and said,"Okay fine hand me the wheel." It took a couple of minutes for the both of them to fill it out. I grab the wheel and see there is one empty spot I smile and think,"I should put something funny on that slot. Like have Izaya kiss Shizuo and escape or have Komaeda meet Noiz. Nah Noiz probably leave and nothing funny would happen. Maybe it should be (your choice.)!" I smile and write it down and said,"Ok it is time to spin it." I spin it and my jaw drops when I see it land on what I wrote down. Komaeda leaves over my shoulder and said,"You can't be serious!" Izaya laughed and said,"I love it! Best penalty ever." I wrote it on a piece of paper and said,"Well that is our penalty. No take backs or redoes!" Komaeda pouted and Izaya seemed happy. Komaeda said,"Well since we can't redo it you own me lunch." I said,"Don't blame me if you don't like my cooking. Say anything bad about it and your face gets shoved into it." He seemed OK with that so I made lunch.
~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~
I walked in to Izaya talking to Komaeda about my underwear collection. I feel my face turn bright red and I yell,"Izaya in so going to kill you!" Izaya laughed and got out of bed having me chase him around the house. I caught him and put him in a head lock and saying,"Your such a pervert! Why would you do that?! Ah! Your so mean!" I felt him try to tap out and I said,"Accept your punishment!" Komaeda tapped my shoulder and he said,"You might kill him." I looked at him and said,"Your next!"
~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~
Izaya kept rubbing his neck and saying,"Damn it hurts." I glance over at him and said,"It is your fault in the first place." He nodded and said,"This is a happy life." I turn to him and said,"What do you mean? The world is ending so are you happy about that?" He nods and said,"I think getting taken over by stuff animals is a unique way for the world to end. I would mind leaving everything like this after all I love humans." I laughed and said,"Very funny. We probably have longer." He shrugged and said,"It is all up to the readers." I punch him and said,"Don't break the wall!" He smiled and said,"That is my job." I kick Komaeda and tell him,"Get out of my house!" He leaves and said,"Wow your mean." I kicked him out the door and said,"I'm not mean! I'm sassy!" I sigh and sit down on the floor saying,"This is boring." Izaya laid down next to me and nod his head in agreement. I turned on the tv the only show was the high school killing show that looked way too real and I made me want to break down the door and save most of them. I turn to tv off and said,"Want to watch something funny?" He said,"Well why not."

     I laughed and said,"Oh boy..." He laid down on my lap and said,"OH BOY!"
(A/n: I need some requests because I'm running out of things to write.)

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