What do I read.....

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    I wake up and see Izaya with a knife pulling Kuroo towards him. I tried to move,but my body wasn't responding. I didn't give up so I started moving small parts of my body. I was able to move my whole hand and grab my drink and put some of the antidote I found in the water. I drank it and felt my feeling come back into my body.
    I got up and dove on top of Izaya and pinned him down saying,"Stop it. Don't hurt anymore people." Izaya frowned and said,"Well I'm not stopping. How can I make sure your mine and mine alone. You don't need anyone else,but me." He tried to get out of my grip and I said,"I can't believe I fell in love with a monster like you."
       I called out to Kuroo and told him to bring me my knife. Izaya broke free of my grip and pinned me down bringing a knife towards my chest. I knee him in the stomach and he got off me giving me time to escape his grip. I flipped him over and pinned his arms behind his back and said,"Stop it I really don't want to kill you." Izaya smiled and said,"The only way to stop me is to kill me."
      I stabbed my knife next to his head and said,"Now is not the time to joke. I will kill you if I have too." He frowned and said,"No hesitation. That is why I fell in love with you." He tried to pet my head and I said,"Well if you really cared about me then you would know that I wouldn't abandoned you."
       I picked up my knife and Izaya threw me off and I hit the wall behind me. I groaned in pain and Izaya stood up.
     The room was empty there wasn't anyone here anymore. They ran away to get help or save themselves. I was the only one left. My face was showing my terror and hatred I felt towards Izaya. I bend down to pick up the knife when Izaya shoved me into the wall and licked my cheek. I groaned in discuss of what he did. My head was throbbing as he grabbed my head and hit it against the wall. I kick him in his no-no-square. He collapsed and I grabbed my knife and plunged it into his leg. I pulled it back out and blood started to gush out. I knew I must have hit an artery for that much blood to come out. I moved towards the door and Izaya threw his knife at my head and it caught my left hand. I screamed in pain and pulled it out. I walked back to Izaya and pulled him to me with a knife at his throat and said,"Well it seems this is your dead end. Goodbye my love." I press the knife to his throat and I couldn't kill him. I got angry with myself not being able to kill him so I looked away and cut his throat. I stood up and walked away.
      As soon as I walked outside I bursted into tears. I mumbled,"Why?! Why did you have to do that!?You could've still been alive! Hanging out with me. We could've lived happily,but you had to make a foolish decision. I really didn't want to kill you." I curled up into a ball and kept on crying.
     A few minutes of crying passed when the police showed up and said,"Are you alright?" I shook my head and pointed towards the door. They walked in cautiously and saw Izaya on the floor still alive. Izaya got up and said,"I really thought (y/n) would kill me but I guess my grip on (y/n) is too strong. Don't worry I'll make sure you die fast. After all you did try to kill me." I heard those words and I started to shake. I got up and said,"Well I need to end this....I can't take anymore heartbreak." I pulled out my gun and the police gasped and said,"Put it down!" I pulled the trigger and killed Izaya, but I got shot by the police. Everything went pitch black and I felt at peace.

                   Normal End
(A/n: I really don't even know how I should do the good end should I make Izaya die or should I keep him alive? Please let me know!)

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