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~~~~~~next day~~~~~~~
I wake up to Izaya poking my cheek and saying,"My lovely (y/n) it is time for us to go home." I roll over and say,"No,I don't want to." Izaya pulls me closer and breathes on my neck making me shiver. He chuckles and starts drawing circles on my side and stomach. He seem to enjoy making me shiver and laugh. He starts to tickle me more saying,"Wake up my love it is time for us to go home." I smack his hand and say,"Five more minutes." He sighs and I feel him get out of the bed. The next thing I knew was lifted into the air. I open my eyes and Izaya smiles saying,"I knew that would wake you up." I turn my head and pout saying,"I wanted to sleep more. You moved around to much last night." He chuckles and says,"Sorry you where so cute I wanted to move close to you,but every time I moved closer to you. You moved away." I put my hand to his face and said,"You where to hot last night you were going to make me sweat." The doctor walked in and said,"Sorry for interrupting,but Mr. Orihara sit you ass down in the fucking bed!" My jaw drops as I look at the doctor. He had black hair and a pink mustache. I pointed and whispers,"O-Oh m-m-meh g-gersh! It can't be." The doctor smiled and said,"Oh it can be." Izaya just stared and looked like he was about to blow a gasket. The nurse walked in and said,"Doctor your not supposed to talk to patients that way. Do you even know what you are doing." He turned around and said,"SHUT UP NURSE!" I gasped and said,"It is you it is Markiplier." A man walked in and said,"And Jack a boy!" I smiled and it look like Izaya wanted to kill them both. I put my hand on his shoulder and said,"It is ok. I'm not going to leave you for them. I'm just going to make them my friends." Izaya lifts his eyebrow and says,"With benefits?" I shake my head and say,"No just friends." Izaya mumbled to himself as Jack went to a corner and Mark walked to Izaya and started to check his wound and his vitals to make sure he can go home. Mark sighs and says,"I give you a all clear to go home." The nurse just stands there shaking her head. She obviously wanted to say something,but she didn't want to get yelled at again. I grab Izaya's hand and said,"Jack and Mark is my number please call and we can make dinner plans." Mark laughed and said,"Yeah sure I should be open I'll call you tonight. Jack what about you." Jack nods and says,"Yeah I can do that tonight." Izaya squeeze my hand and said,"If they try anything I won't hesitate to kill them." I think,"Dang Izaya has go into Yandere mode." I kiss him and say,"You are the only one for me you know that." Izaya drags me out of the room and I wave to Jack and Mark.
While we are walking home Izaya turned to me and said,"Who the hell were those two?" I smile and look up at the sky and say,"Some of my favorite YouTubers. They were the ones who made me laugh and cry and feel the feels when I didn't know you yet. Now you are the one who makes me feel the feels." Izaya give me a confused face and says,"Feel the feels?" I sigh and say,"Feel emotions." He laughs and says,"Sounds like they mean more to me than to you. The made you who you are today. I'll have to thank them for that." I smile and say,"You don't have to if you don't want to. Just don't kill them." He smiles and says,"I won't hopefully." My phone start to ring and I say,"Hello?" I hear Marks voice and I hear Jack yell,"I'm here too!" I giggle and they ask,"Are you free tonight?" I look at Izaya and he says,"Yeah we should be we can always grab (g/n) and (b/n) after the dinner." I state,"Yeah I can come tonight." I hear them whisper for a bit so I only could hear bits and pieces of what they were saying. I say,"Why don't we go to Russia Sushi we can meet there at 6?" Mark replies,"Yeah that sounds good." I say,"See you later." And I hung up. I sigh and we start walking again.
~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~
     Izaya called out to me saying,"You going to be late you know hurry up!" I glare at him and say,"We still got thirty minutes till we leave. I'm not getting there an hour before." Izaya grabs my hand and drags me out the door again. I sigh and say,"Now you have to drag me the whole way there."
~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~
    I was fidgeting around in my seat waiting for them to arrive and then I see Shizuo siting across the room from us. I try not to make eye contact with him. Izaya put his arm around my shoulder and tells me,"Don't say a thing. After all you are mine and mine alone,but I know you won't leave me! You are in love with me after all." He pulls me to him and kisses my cheek. I smile and say,"Why would I leave you I'm not a prisoner anymore. After all I love you." I hear Mark cough and my face turns bright red. Jack smiles and says,"Wasss up!" I smile and laugh at Jack and he blushes and said,"I got something for the both of you." I grab it and open and I find a gun and a knife. I looked up and ask,"Why these?" He turned his head and said,"It looked like you needed a new gun so I got one for you and I got Izaya a knife." I tilt my head and Mark tosses me a Tiny Box Tim plushy. I squeal and my face turns bright red and I buried my face into Izaya's shoulder trying to hide my embarrassment. Mark laughs and say,"It is fine I would have squealed too if I got a Tiny Box Tim." Izaya laughs at my reaction and say,"Calm down.I can shut the door so no one can look at you." I smiled and said,"Thanks,but I'm good." Jack tell us,"Calm down love birds. Get a room if you want to be lovey dovey here." Izaya pulls me into his lap and says," Nah I think here is perfect." I try to get off him,but he holds me firmly there and kisses my neck. I push him away from me. I sigh and say,"Thanks for the gifts and is there anything you want to try here or would you like a tour around town or is there something you want to see?" They look at each other and smile saying,"The headless rider." I sigh and say,"I can take you to her now if you want."

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