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I asks Izaya,"So what are you going to do with him?" Izaya replies," I need some info for someone." I sigh and say,"Well I guess I'll take the kids out for ice cream while your 'working'." Izaya nods and says,"Sure." I walk over and say,"(g/n),(b/n) we are going to get ice cream while Izaya takes this man home."
~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~
I came home with (favorite Ice cream) in my hand and I hear Izaya yelling inside so I decide to go to Shinra's house instead. I knock and there was no answer. I try to open the door and I find it unlocked. I walk inside and tell the kids to stay outside and call the police if they see anything suspicious. I walk in and found Shinra collapsed on the floor. I rush over to him and yell,"Shinra!Hey! Shinra can you hear me!? Hey (g/n) and (b/n) come here! Bring me my phone!" They rush over and state,"Here take it." I grab my phone and call a ambulance. After that I call Cetly and say,"Hey Shinra's on the floor collapsed it looks like he has some bruised ribs and something might be broken come here as fast as you can!" I hang up and search the apartment for a hint of the perpetrator. I sigh and find nothing. I feel anger build up inside me and I think,"This guy is dead for messing with my friends!" I walk out of the house and call Izaya and say,"Hey, are you done yet? I went to Shinra's to find him collapsed on the floor beaten to a pulp. It was sad. Wish I was there sooner. I could have interrupted and he wouldn't have gotten hurt as bad." Izaya replies,"I'm finished here,so you can come home. Shinra will be fine. There was nothing you can do. It will be fine trust me." I hang up and we walk back to the house.
I get home and say,"I hope they let Cetly in the hospital with her helmet." Izaya nods and say,"We can see how he is doing in a bit. First we need to put the kids to sleep." I nod and put the kids to bed. Izaya grabs my hand and says,"There is nothing to worry about trust me. I'm sure Shinra is alright." I nod and said,"Yeah your right he will be fine let's go and see how he is doing."
       I walk over to Shinra's bed and he says,"Thanks for getting me here I was beaten pretty bad." I smile and say,"Don't worry about it. I take care of my friends so it was nothing." I look over and see Celty sitting down holding his hand. I thought,"That is probably why he is smiling." I wave and say,"Since everything is fine and I don't think they will attack you while your in the hospital. If you want I can stay to make sure no one comes after you." Shinra smiles and says,"Thanks for the offer,but I will be fine trust me." I wave too them and leave. Izaya looks at me and says,"So you want to get something to get you mind off of this?" I nod and say,"Thanks." Izaya smiles and states,"Don't worry about it. I love you." I kiss Izaya  and says,"I love you too."
       We walk down the street and  someone bumps into Izaya. Izaya replies,"Watch were you going!" The person snickers and I look and see Izaya start to fall. I catch him and I feel something warm on my hand I look down and see my hand covered in blood. I start to see Izaya's consciousness fade and I yell,"Izaya! Hey Izaya! Don't close your eyes. Quick someone call and ambulance." I start to feel my eyes start to well up as I add pressure to his wound to stop the bleeding. I hear the ambulance and I say in a shaking voice,"Izaya the ambulance is almost here. Hang on." I feel someone touch my shoulder and say,"Hey we got him now." I turn around and say,"I want to go with him! I'm his wife, so I want to go with him." They nod and say,"You can." I think,"I can't leave him alone someone might come back to find the job. So I have to make sure that no one tries to kill him."

Hard to Believe love(Izaya X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now