Celty's Head

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(A/n:I'm watching/reading the latest episodes so there might be some spoilers later on. I just wanted to let you know. Oh and the children are grown up for now on I forget about them to much....>////<)
I was walking home when I saw Izaya get kidnapped. I sigh and started following the car. The stopped in front of the house and the guy throws him at me and I recognized the kidnapper. I kick Izaya and whisper,"Sorry." I take down Slon and knock him out tying him up. I kick Izaya again and say,"Get up I know your not still knocked out." He sighed and I smiled and said,"Let's get out of here I really don't want to run into more people that are under the influence of Saika." He shakes his head and says,"Let's wait for her." I tilt my head and state,"Wait for who?" He smiled and said,"Kasane Kujiragi." I nod and wait in the house until the sunset. I sigh and state,"Let's get your head checked out. I might have kicked you too hard." He replies,"No I don't think I need to go." I hit him in the head and say,"Go." He sighs and replies,"Well then your coming with me." I shrug my shoulders and take him to hospital.
We walk into the waiting room and I see Anri and Eirka. I wave to them and Izaya walks over and sits down next to them and I sigh and leave not wanting to here him get Anri angry. I put some money in a vending machine and I wouldn't give me my drink. So I kicked it a few times and it let out 4 drinks. I walk back and see exactly what I predicted. I shove the drink into Izaya's face and give Anri and Erika the other ones. I drag Izaya away and wave to them and apologize for anything Izaya said that made them angry.
~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~
I get a call from Shinra stating,"Turn on the news." He ends the call and I sigh and see on the news Celty's head. I tap Izaya on the Shoulder and show him the video. He smiles and said,"Looks like someone is trying to get their payback." His smile widens and he says,"Sounds like I should take care of Shizu-chan. You are the perfect bait." I stop and I say,"I really don't want to be bait." Izaya pats my head and says,"My plan won't go smoothly with you being their." I look away from him and he pushes me to a near wall. He puts his face into my shoulder and says,"You will do it. After all this is the only way you can see Shizu-chan with permission." He smiled and I state,"I don't know I have a bad feeling about this." He pulls me along and says,"I'm pretty sure that I won't die. It will be Shizu-chan." I turn my head away and frown a little. I think,"How long have I fallen for Izaya? I really don't even know if I actually did it was more of a trance I think. Maybe I really do love him..Why am I think about this now.." I sigh and he chops me and I state,"What was that for?" Izaya smiles and said,"You sigh too much." I smile slowly and he seemed to pick up on my mood and he pokes my face and says,"Don't be sad it is going to be fine. Anyways let's get ready."
~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~
Izaya starts to tie me to the pole and I ask,"Is this really necessary?" He smiled and said,"Yes it is." With that smile he is giving me it makes me what to say he is kinky about this. I sigh and look towards the black mass and I noticed that it was Cetly. I went to say something,but he covered my mouth with his hand and said,"I'm going to put a fire around you, so it is going to get hot." I nod and move a little and state,"This is easy to get out of." He nodded and said,"I'm going to light this place up I can't have you dead because of me." He stroked my face saying,"Your my favorite human,so I can't have you die on me." I smile faintly and state,"I think you should hurry up or your going to miss your chance." He smiles happily and skips away. I sigh and say,"The only time I actually can see Shizuo and talk to him without worrying about Izaya and I'm tied to a pole and used for bait." I look around and say,"This is really boring." I see Izaya skip back saying,"Time to pour the gasoline!" I look towards the door with a face full of fear and I ask,"Should I make myself cry too?" He smiled and said,"I love you so much now." He kissed me and said,"Your going to start feeling like your suffocating it is because carbon dioxide in the air." He climbs to the top and stands up there waiting for Shizuo to walk in. He throws the match into the gasoline and Shizuo walks in noticing me. He kicks down the door to get me out of the ropes,but I see Izaya smile as he turns on the pumps while the fire go out. Shizuo collapse onto the floor a couple of feet in front of me. I get out of the rope and Izaya throws the match and I jump up onto the beam and Izaya pulls me to him to protect me from the blast. He frowned and said,"Why is Celty interfering she shouldn't remember her life as the headless rider." He looks down and sees a whole he shoves me away and the beam starts shaking and Izaya falls off and gets hit by Shizuo with a beam sending him flying like a baseball. I yell,"Izaya! Shit I'm coming!" I jump out and land on the floor seeing Shinra's dad and I keep on running until I reached Izaya. I put his arm around my shoulder and said,"Hey baseball are you okay?" He chuckled weakly and said,"We got to start moving I bet Shizuo is on our tails." I nod and walk slowly and get into the elevator. I press the button and I start to walk faster and I say,"Sorry Izaya but this might hurt." I throw Izaya over the fallen steel beams and catch him on the other side. He stated,"Maybe your not human." I sigh and said,"I am human you don't see me punching steel beams do you?" He chuckled and said,"True." I helped him walk down the ally when I shoved him away from a vending machine that was thrown at him. I wrap his arm around my shoulder and I start to move quickly and go into a narrow path way to keep Izaya from Shizuo.

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