two ; middle school

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mia doesn't get up until noon the next day, and even then she doesn't feel like she got enough sleep.

in fact she would've kept sleeping if it wasn't for jenna and tyler's loud voices coming from the living room, their chatter and laughter finally waking her up. after about ten minutes where she just lay in bed trying not to accept the inevitable, she got up from the warmth and comfort of her bed and went to go yell at the couple.

"that's so stupid!" jenna yells at the tv as her and tyler watch big brother while eating cereal.

oh god, here we go.

mia doesn't know why jenna always watches big brother, because it's obvious that she hates it and thinks it's a terrible show.

"no, babe, just watch," insists tyler through a mouthful of fruit loops.

"you guys are the worst," mia states as she walks into the living room, wearing a college sweatshirt and a pair of joggers. she plops down on the couch, sighing as she does show.

jenna grins at her, "good morning, sunshine."

"you're so fucking loud, jen," she says, pulling her sweatshirt hood over her mess up black curls. she pulls the strings so it closes on her face and groans.

"someone had a good night," says tyler with a sarcastic voice and an amused smile on his lips.

mia flicks him off, because she's too tired to come up with a good come back. she's not hungover, not really, anyways. her head is just throbbing. and she's not a morning person, either, so for her to he grumpy when she wakes up isn't anything new.

mia glances down at her phone for the first time that morning and slides her finger on the screen to unlock it. she goes through her notifications and sees that she has a new text.

joshiskindawhati'minto: hey, hope you slept well (:
delivered: 10:37
read: 12:09

her first thought is how the hell is he
up so early, but then she remembers that she just likes sleeping a whole lot so for her, ten is early as hell. her second thought is how nice it is to get a good morning text.

and her third thought is that his contact name needs to be changed because it looks weird when she gets the notifications from him.

👑princess mia👑: hey c:

yoshua: 12:12 MAKE A WISH

👑princess mia👑: fuck i couldn't think of one in time

yoshua: lame

👑princess mia👑: don't judge me

👑princess mia👑: i changed your contact name btw

yoshua: HA same

yoshua : you just put 'mia' and i felt like that was lame so i made it princess mia w/ the crown emoji

yoshua: but what did you make mine???

👑princess mia👑 : yoshua

yoshua: there better be a heart emoji next to it

👑princess mia👑 : there is now

yoshua💕: SICK

👑princess mia👑 : h8 u

yoshua💕: crying rn

👑princess mia👑 : you're so dramatic

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