twenty six ; and a window opens

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it's the middle of january when josh is woken up by his girlfriend bursting through his bedroom door, out of breath and grinning.

he's got a million and one questions running through his mind as he rubs the sleep from his face and sits up, blinking repeatedly. "what are you doing he-"

"i got the job!" mia exclaims happily, throwing her arms up in the air.

this is the most energetic he's ever seen her at seven in the morning.

"you did?!" he asks, not that he's surprised but because he knows how much it means to her. "mia that's awesome!"

she nods her head in agreement because she also finds it awesome. "i know!" she smiles genuinely, one that makes a dimple on her right cheek indent.

"c'mere," he motions for her to come give him a hello kiss, and when she does he turns it into a congratulations kiss, which is a whole other story completely.

she sits down at the side of the bed and does a drumroll on his legs. "okay, c'mon, we're going out."

"out?" he repeats. "where, it's-" he grabs his phone from underneath his pillow and checks the time. "seven in the morning."

"yeah, we'll go get breakfast or something," she says while ignoring his clear shock at the fact that she's the one up so early.

josh stares at her incredulously. "you hate breakfast."

mia shakes her head, tsking defensively. "no i don't!"

"you literally told me once that you thought breakfast was irrelevant and putrid," he deadpans.

she grins, because she most definitely said that. "okay, well, not today."

josh shakes his head slowly. "you're lucky that you're cute," he tells her as he get up from the comfort of his bed. "i'm gonna shower first, 'kay babe?"

"fine," mia sighs dramatically and lays down where he previously was. "don't take forever."

he stops halfway out the door, "says the girl that made me wait forty minutes because her eyeliner wasn't right."

"i have priorities!"

"you took off all your makeup and did it all over again. that's not having priorities, that's being crazy."

"are you complaining about having a girlfriend with on fleek eyeliner, or?"

he stares at her for a second, trying to keep a straight face. neither of them say anything, mia looking at him from where he stands in the doorway with an expectant expression on her face.

"you're so gorgeous," he finally says with a cheeky grin and then goes to the bathroom to shower.

they end up going to ihop for pancakes, and josh is having too much fun observing mia actually being a functional human being at seven in the morning to complain about the fact that he didn't go to bed until like one.

he takes a sip from his mug of coffee, which is helping to wake him up. "so," he starts after swallowing. "when do your classes start up again?"

mia makes a face at him. because she's been on holiday break, school's the last thing on her mind.

"not till next week," she says with a bummed out voice. with the new semester starting she'll have to get back to her school routine of classes and homework and going to bed at reasonable hours and waking up at unholy ones. but what sucks most of all is that she won't have as much downtime to hang out with josh.

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