seventy three ; the marijuanas

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two chapters of smut in a roW WOOOOO

this is for all you smut sluts ayeee


"this is stupid," states josh, slowly shaking his head as he swallows a brownie ( a/n wow all the alliteration ). glancing over at mia, who sits on top of the roof beside hhe gives her a nodding gesture to read what the ticket says.

mia stifles a giggle as her eyes scan the paper. basically, in non-police words, the $150 ticket says that josh was being a 'reckless driver'. but it's not like it was his fault, necessarily. 

"well, i told you to keep your eyes on the road," she says sassily, being a lil shit just because she knows josh will say something back.

which he does, which an incredulous expression adorning his face. "excuse me, i was sorta occupied. considering the fact that you had your hand in my pants, my focus was a tad off."

"so now you wanna complain about getting a hand job from the birthday girl?"

josh does the cute little thing where his mouth opens to argue something back, but then shuts. and then he opens it again, rethinks it, and shuts his mouth again. "no," he mutters under his breath, like a child who's being forced to apologize. 

"that's what i thought," says mia while folding up the ticket and putting it in the back pocket of her high waisted shorts.

their long drive has taken them to somewhere in pennslyvania, one of the neighboring states. the sun is beginning to set and from where josh's car is parked, they have a perfect view of all the mountains and scenery.

"so," drawls out josh after a few quiet minutes, swallowing the last bite of his second brownie. "as far as birthdays go, how would you rate this one so far?"

mia hums in thought, trying to summarize the day's events into a out-of-ten number. "well," she starts, taking out one of the brownies from the ziplock bag between her and her boyfriend. "i've never driven to another state with someone as cute as you for my birthday, so that alone gives it a solid seven. plus watching you freak out over getting pulled over, which brings it to a twelve. at least."

"a twelve out of ten?" amused josh with a raised eyebrow.

mia nods. "yep."

he laughs warmly, shaking his head at the brunette. "well for the record, i wasn't that freaked out."

"you were totally freaked out. the entire time the cop was talking to you, you were stuttering."

"yeah cause i had a frickin boner and he could totally tell!" defends josh.

mia rolls her eyes with amusement. "no he couldn't, j."

"he noticed."

"didn't even look anywhere near your dick," she insists.

"he was staring! it wasn't like it was a subtle, 'lowkey turned on', semi-boner, either. it was a full 'someone fuck me now' hard-on," exclaims josh, making a bunch of hand motions as he talks. 

mia tries hard not to giggle, because yeah, okay, it was totally a 'someone fuck me now' boner. "sorry."

this makes josh's expression soften, eyes widening ever so slightly. "no, please don't be sorry. it was really nice, okay? just the blue balls after was terrible."

semi-automatic ; j.dМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя