thirty two ; in which josh is jealous

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"d'you wanna come over?" asks mia, twirling a loose curl around her finger with one hand as she holds her phone up to her ear with the other.

josh sighs on the other end. "i wish i could, but i have to meet up with tyler in a little bit."

"oh," she pouts a bit even though he can't see it. "what're you guys working on?"

"just a couple rehearsals before the tour," replies josh, and as soon as the words leave his lips he remembers that he hasn't even brought up the fact that in less than two weeks he's leaving.


mia frowns with confusion. "tour?"

he decides to play it off casually, like he's brought the topic up many of times. "yeah, the blurry face tour, starts in like ten days."

"i didn't know you were leaving that soon," she says softly, biting her bottom lip. it was always in the back of her mind that josh and tyler we're going back on tour again, but she didn't realize it was happening in less than two weeks.

"i know, babe. i'm sorry. maybe i can stop by later?"

mia sighs a bit. "yeah, okay. have fun at rehearsal."

"alright, i'll text you afterwards to let you know if i'm coming over or not," says josh. before he says goodbye he makes sure to say, "i love you."

"love you too," she says back with a small smile playing at her lips. after pressing the end call button, she stares up at the ceiling out of boredom. usually she would've just gone over to jenna's room to bother her, but she's spending the day with her mom and sister. so there goes that.

after a few minutes she decides to text zach.

mia : hey did you maybe wanna work on the project tonight?

zach : sure! where do you wanna meet up?

mia : you can come over to my apartment of you want

zach : alright, just text me the address and i'll be over in like half an hour

so she texts him with the address of the apartment, and then not too long after there's a knock on the door.

"hey," she greets with a warm smile, holding open the door for him as he walks in with his backpack on.

the green eyed boy glances around the entry area of the apartment. "sick place," he tells her, and then pauses for a second. "are you a shoes on or shoes off kinda person?"

"it doesn't matter to me, honestly," mia admits and waves it off. after closing the door she leads him into the main area, stopping outside of the kitchen and near the living room. "my roommate jenna flips shit whenever people don't take their shoes off, but luckily for you, she's not here."

zach chuckles under his breath and decides on keeping on his worn in high top red vans. "that sounds fun."

"oh yeah, it's a total blast," she muses sarcastically with a roll of her eyes. "you can sit, if you want, i'm just gonna get snacks."

"okay," he replies and takes a seat at one of the kitchen stools. "so when do we have to finish this thing by, anyways?"

"wednesday, i think," mia answers.

zach nods his head. "oh, alright, cool. we can probably get most of it done tonight. i just have to be back on campus by nine, that's when my show comes on."

she glances over at him, now holding a bag of chips in one hand and chocolate covered pretzels in the other. "what show?"

"uh, the vampire diaries," he admits with a shy laugh.

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