six ; the red hair fiasco

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mia shows up at josh and tyler's apartment after the half an hour drive from campus after her last class. when josh lets her in he holds up a box dye kit with an excited grin.

"you're crazy," she laughs, kicking her shoes off by the door after walking in.

"i thought that's what you liked about me?" josh fakes upset and pouts a bit after closing the door behind her.

"i like a lot of things about you," she says before she can stop herself, but at this point she doesn't even really care.

josh's upset face turns into a grin. "and the truth comes out!" he teases.

mia rolls her at him, one of his favorite things ever because she just looks so damn attractive doing that. "where are we gonna do this?"

"bathroom," he tells her and nods towards the hallway. "tyler made me put down a billion towels before you came over."

"because i don't want you destroying the bathroom!" calls tyler from his bedroom.

mia laughs and follows josh into the bathroom, and he's right about the towels. maybe not a billion, but a sufficient amount. "m'kay," she says, taking the hair dye box and quickly skimming over the instructions on the back. she's done a few of her friends hair before, but this is joshua dun. she doesn't want to fuck up his hair.

"okay, so i was thinking you could dye it and then trim up the sides," rambles a far too excited josh as he sits down on the closed toilet seat.

mia glances down at him with a raised eyebrow. "you trust me to do all that?"

he nods his head confidently. "yeah, sure i do," he tells her. "plus if it looks bad it'll just grow back."

"alright," she says a little unsure, but she figures it won't be too hard so she opens up the box and takes out all the supplies.

half an hour later, mia realizes that it's not as easy as she thought.

"quit moving!" she insists for the fifth time, soft giggles leaving her lips at how fidgety the boy is.

he blushes, almost the same color as the hair dye, and stops his bouncing knee and tapping fingers. "sorry, sorry."

mia brushes the red dye through the top of his hair. she was wearing a pair of clear gloves, but now they're stained red. and the dye's not only on josh's hair, but there's some on his face, on her arms, pretty much a lot of places it's not supposed to be.

"i could fall asleep right now," josh tells her, because the feeling of her hands playing with his hair is extremely relaxing.

mia shakes her head a bit at that notion. "this room stinks of peroxide."

josh shrugs his shoulders a bit. "yeah, but i love when people play with my hair. especially pretty girls with daddy issues."

"josh!" she scolds, smacking his arm and leaving a red smudge on his shirt. "not funny."

"kinda funny."

"not even remotely funny," she insists, shaking her head at him.

he pouts playfully at her, "you're not mad at at me, are you?" he teases.

mia shrugs a bit and looks down at the little bowl of hair dye in her hands. "i dunno, maybe a little."

josh's expression falters a bit because he can't tell if she's being serious or not. she's sarcastic like half of the time, which he finds incredibly attractive but also nerve racking. "wait, are you being serious?"

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