chapter two

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The next day I walked into Science again, rolling my eyes as soon as I caught a glimpse of Corey. I took my seat without acknowledging his presence. "Morning" He murmured to me. I turned to him shocked that he was actually acknowledging my existence. "Morning" I said glaring at him. "So what are we doing for our project sparky?" He asked me. "What did you just call me?" I asked in confusion. "I called you Sparky?" He said looking at me as if I was an idiot. "I heard you the first time but that isn't my name" I replied in an annoyed tone. "Who cares? It's not as if I'm going to remember your name anyways" He said shrugging.

"You're a real asshole you know that?" I said turning to him. He leaned forward in his chair, nearly centimetres away from my face. "Sue me" he said before returning to his original slouched position. I rolled my eyes before returning to look at the board. Mr. Harris dismissed us as the bell rang. "Don't forget class, I will be checking your progress with your assignments tomorrow. So if you haven't met up with your partner yet, I suggest you do it today" He said before walking out of the room.

I stood up gathering my books. "Did you hear that? we have to meet up after school, so whatever plans you have cancel them okay?" I said placing my hand on my hip. "Okay! calm down Sparky" Corey said standing up. "Stop calling me that!" I protested getting agitated. "See you after school Sparky" He said ignoring me as he walked away.

I walked into the cafeteria later that day at lunch and headed to my table that I always sat at. As soon as I took a seat Amy, Ahdree and Gen smirked at me. "What?" I asked them. "Is it true?" They asked in anticipation for an answer. I frowned at their constant need for gossip. "What are you talking about?" I asked them. "About you and Corey, are you really Science partners?" They asked grinning widely. "Yeah? why whats the big deal?" I said not understanding there excitement. "Oh my God you're so lucky!" Amy exclaimed. "Hardly, he's a dick.." I said taking a sip from my coke. "You say that now, give it a month you two will be screwing" Ahdree said giggling.

"If that ever happens I give you full permission to slap me across the face" I told them. "It's inevitable, every girl ends up falling for him at some stage" They continued. "Not me" I persisted, beginning to eat my lunch.

After school was over, I walked out into the courtyard to meet up with Corey. He wasn't there so I began to look around to see if I could see him. Finally I spotted him over by the trees. Not to my surprise he was making out with one of the many bimbos that wandered these halls. I didn't have a choice but to go over. I wasn't going to wait here for him to finish. I walked over standing in front of them crossing my arms. They were two busy swallowing each other to notice me standing there. "Ehh mm" I coughed. Corey pulled out slowly smirking at me. "Oh hey Sparky..wanna join?" He said. "Thanks but I think I'll pass.. Now let's go I want to get this over with" I said waiting for him to follow me.

"Well thanks for that...Jen..Mae" Corey said beginning to guess the girls name. "It's Melanie" She said not seeming to be bothered that he didn't know her name. "Right..well thanks..I'll see you around" He said walking away. "You're disgusting" I said glaring at him. "Oh don't act like you wouldn't if you could" He said smirking. "No I wouldn't because unlike you I have standards" I said beginning to walk ahead.

I turned to the left towards my house. "Where you going Sparky?" He said stopping at the corner. I ignored his nickname, "To my house?" I said frowning at him. "No we're going to my house" He insisted. "No we're not!" I persisted. "Why won't you just come to mine?" He continued. "Why won't you just come to mine?" I repeated. "Fine then" he said beginning to walk in the opposite direction. I waited for him to turn around but he didn't. "Ugh" I Groaned beginning to follow him. He smirked as he saw me walking beside him.

He started walking in front of a small deathtrap of a car. "No way I'm getting in that" I protested. "Fine then don't" He said getting in. He leaned his head out the window "Last chance, just get in..unless you're too scared" He suggested. That's when my instinct to constantly prove people wrong kicked in. I reluctantly got into the car slouching in the seat. "Ready to go?" He said. "No but just drive" I demanded.

- Xx valerie :)

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