chapter twenty

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As soon as I got through the door I heard Madi call out for me. "[Y/N] is that you?" she yelled from the kitchen but I just ignored her. I could hear her footsteps coming down the hallway. "Hey where did you go?" She said as she came closer to me. I just stood there glaring at her. "What's wrong?" she said looking concerned. "I know what you did" I said between my teeth. "What? What did I do?" She said looking confused. "Don't give me that, you know exactly what you did. You told Corey to break up with me" I said raising my voice slightly.

"[Y/N] just calm d-" She began. "No I will not calm down, who gave you the right to get involved with my personal life?" I said yelling at her. "I'm your sister! I was just looking out for you! and besides, I told him to break up with you not to cheat on you" She replied to me raising her voice to. "That doesn't matter! you still interfered with my life and now you've ruined our relationship!" I yelled at her. "Don't be dramatic, I'm sure you and Corey can still be friends or something?" She suggested. "I wasn't talking about mine and Corey's relationship" I said glaring at her. "What's that suppose to mean?" She said following me up the stairs. "It means you're sly and I don't want anything to do with you. Don't talk to me unless it's absolutely necessary" I said slamming the door in her face.

She began banging on the door. "[Y/N] come on, I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that I know, but there will be other boys" She told me. "Just leave me alone!" I shouted back to her. Eventually she gave up and left me alone.

The next day, I wasn't sure if Wil was giving me a ride to school so I just decided to walk. I left early so that I wouldn't run into Madi. I dragged myself through the school hallway, opening my locker and taking out my books. I felt someone stand behind me and I knew exactly who it was without even turning around. I sighed as I waited for him to say something. "I broke up with Sophie" was all I heard. I stood with my back to him, contemplating how to reply. "Corey that doesn't change anything" I said shaking my head as I turned around.

He gave me a disappointed nod as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I just thought you should know" He said. I nodded as I held my books close to my chest. We both stayed silent for a moment just staring at each other before Corey spoke. "I didn't get a chance to tell you last night but I think you should know, I'll always love you, you'll always be the one who got away and I hope you and Wil are really happy together and that he treats you right because you deserve it" He said half smiling. I could feel the tears in my eyes but I held them back.

I said nothing just embraced him into a tight hug. I never wanted to let go, I missed this. I missed the way his chin fit perfectly on the top of my head when we hugged. The way he would gently rub my back, I missed him. I broke the hug looking up at him. "You're a good guy Corey" I said smiling up at him. He chuckled to himself. "I got to get to class, I'll see you later" He said punching my arm lightly. I turned back to my locker and felt two arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey Babe" I heard Wil whisper in my ear. I smiled as I turned to face him. "Hey" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "Where were you?" I asked him. He stiffened slightly. "Oh I was just at the doctors" he said smiling. "Weren't you just there yesterday?" I said looking at him in confusion. "Eh yeah but I missed my appointment so I had to go today" He said casually. "Alright okay" I said not exactly convinced. "I have to go to class" I said kissing him lightly before walking to class.

At lunch I decided to sit with Amy since it would be awkward sitting with Corey and Wil now that Corey and Sophie broke up. "Did you hear about Sophie and Corey?" Amy said with a grin on her face. "Yeah" I said trying to play it down. "Are you going to get back with him now?" she asked me. "No why would I do that?" I replied. After a few minutes I just couldn't handle all of the stupid questions. I got up and headed down the hallway to get my book for my next class. I overheard a voice I recognised around the corner. "How am I suppose to tell her? she'll never understand" I heard Wil say. I walked around and he quickly hung up, fixing his hair awkwardly.

"Hey how long have you been there for?" He asked anxiously. "I just got here" I lied. "Alright, well I have to go to class, I'll see you later" He said said kissing me lightly before walking away. I leaned against the locker trying to figure out who he was on the phone to and why.

After school, I waited outside for Wil as I always did. I felt someone stand beside me and I smiled when I realised who it was. "Hey" He said half smiling at me. "Hey" I said smiling widely at him. Corey stood there awkwardly as if he had something to ask me. "Everything okay?" I asked him. "Yeah I was just wondering are we cool? like after this morning? what I said wasn't too much was it?" He said running his fingers through his hair. "No it was perfect" I said giving him a sweet smile. "Okay cool, so are we friends then?" He said raising his eyebrow at me. "Of course" I said before we returned to our facing forward position.

I turned back to face him. "Since we're friends now, can I ask you something?" I said cautiously. "Yeah sure! what is it?" Corey said smiling at me. "It's about Wil, I overheard him on the phone earlier and it sounded really suspicious, maybe I'm just reading too much into you know what it could be?" I asked him. He stayed silent for a moment thinking. "Honestly I don't know, Wil's a pretty secretive guy, he doesn't really let many people in. I've known him my whole life and I barely know anything about him, so don't take it too personally. Whatever it is I'm sure he'll tell you when he''s ready" He said giving me a genuine smile. "Thanks" I said smiling back.

Before Corey could reply, Wil came up to us kissing me passionately. I felt kind of awkward kissing Wil in front of Corey. I quickly pushed him off me, giggling nervously as Corey looked away pretending he hadn't seen. "I made us a reservation tonight for dinner at that new Italian place downtown, you up for it?" Wil said smiling widely. "Eh yeah sounds great" I said smiling back at him. "Great I'll pick you up at 7, I would drop you off home but I have eh..I have practice" Wil said rubbing his neck nervously. I didn't believe him but I wasn't going to start questioning him right here. "Okay see you later" I said pecking his lips before he ran away.

"Need a lift home?" Corey said beginning to walk to his car. I nodded as I followed him. We sat in silence for most of the ride. I sighed loudly as I leaned against the window. "He doesn't have practice does he?" I asked Corey but I already knew the answer. "Nope" Corey said casually. I groaned to myself as I put my face in my hands. "Look I know what you're thinking, but he's not cheating on you, he's not the type. I don't know what he's hiding but it's not that" He said placing his hand on mine, which I'm not going to lie made me shiver slightly.

"Why is he doing this? I don't understand why he's keeping things from me" I said in a frustrated tone. "Why don't you ask him?" Corey suggested as we pulled up to my house. "Yeah maybe..thanks for the ride" I said shutting the door before waving.

Later that night Wil and I were walking down the street to the restaurant, his arm was around my shoulder as my head rested on his shoulder. Wil was smiling really widely. "What are you smiling at?" I asked him laughing. he shrugged "I don't know, I'm just happy" He said leaning down and kissing me. I smiled back at him. "Me too" I said leaning into his chest. We walked up to the restaurant and Wil walked up to confirm our reservation. I stood there looking around waiting to be brought to our table, when I was brought back to reality by the commotion at the desk.

"What are you fucking serious? What do you mean you double booked us?" I saw Wil yelled at the waiter. The waiter looked around unsure of what to say. "I'm very sorry" He stuttered. "Yeah well sorry isn't fucking good enough" He screamed at the guy. I was so in shock, I didn't know what to do. I quickly grabbed Wil pulling him outside as people began to stare. "Wow Babe calm down, what's wrong" I said trying to calm him down. "What's wrong is that some people can't do their fucking jobs right!" He screamed into the restaurant. "Wil stop! you're acting crazy" I said kind of scared of him right now. He glared at me with a stare that sent a shiver down my spine, and not the good kind.

"What did you just call me?" He said walking towards me until I was leaning against the wall. I gulped loudly, "Wil stop, you're scaring me" I said beginning to shake. He threw his head back laughing a sinister laugh."I'm not crazy!" He said leaning between my body "Wil stop" I continued. "Don't tell me what to fucking do!" He screamed in my face pushing me against the wall, causing my head to bang against the wall. I gasped in pain as I held the back of my head. Wil's face fell as he realised how much pain I was in. I felt two arms wrap around me tightly, but they weren't Wil's.

Ugh this was such a shitty chapter.. Sorry
- Xx valerie :/

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