chapter twenty eight

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I walked through the front door of my house after school, throwing my bag in the corner. "[Y/N]  is that you?" I heard Madi call from the kitchen. I groaned quietly to myself before walking into the kitchen. "Hi" I said with a blank expression on my face. "Hey, how was your day?" Se said smiling a fake smile at me. "Fine" I said trying to avoid starting a genuine conversation with her. She nodded to herself unsure of what to say next.

"Well this has been fun but I got to go..." I said beginning to walk away. "[Y/N] wait!" Madi called after me as I walked away. I stood still for a minute, allowing myself to roll my eyes before turning around. "What?" I said making my disinterest obvious. "What happened to us?" Madi said with a strained expression on her face. "What to you mean?" I said playing ignorant. "I mean we used to be so close, why are we not close anymore?" She said with pain in her voice.

"I think you know the answer to that already" I said emotionless. Madi sighed loudly in response. "Look I know what I did was out of line, but that doesn't mean you have to cut me out of your life" She told me. I sighed deeply "I'm not trying to cut you out of my life, but what you did really hurt me, I thought I could trust you" I told her. "You can trust me!" She insisted. I shook my head in response. "I don't know if I can" I said shaking my head.

There was a wave of tension in the air as we stood in silence. "Okay, I'm not asking you to just forget everything I did, all I'm asking is that you give me a chance to make things better" She said in a manner that seemed fairly genuine. I held off from responding to give myself a minute to think. The more I thought about it the more ridiculous the whole situation seemed. She was my sister and I was treating her like a complete stranger just because she was trying to look out for me.

"So can we try and figure this out?" Madi asked in a hopeful tone. My face curved into a smile. "Yeah okay" I said pulling her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry" Madi said hugging me tightly. "Let's just forget about it okay?" I suggested and she nodded in agreement before hugging me again.

As I began to walk away Madi called me back. "Oh and next time Corey is over tell me. I think he deserves an apology too" She said smiling at me. "Okay" I said frowning slightly at her. Why had she all of a sudden just changed her opinion about everything to do with Corey and I? Well whatever the reason was, I wasn't going to question a good thing. "He'll he over later so you can tell him then" I said as I made my way up the stairs.

Later on, I lay on my bed for a while procrastinating whether or not to start my homework when my door opened. Corey stood there with a smug expression on his face. "What?" I said smirking back at him. "I just had a very interesting conversation with Madi just there" He said jumping on the bed next to me.

"Oh yeah? What did she say?" I asked pretending I didn't know. "It was really weird..she apologized for trying to come between us and stuff like that" He said chuckling to himself. "That is weird" I said laughing too.

"Is it bad that I'm going to miss pissing her off all the time now?" Corey said turning his head to face me with a cheeky smile on his face. "You're so immature" I said giggling as I hit his chest playfully. He laughed too as he grabbed me by my waist pulling me on top of him. "There's a party tomorrow night wanna go?" Corey asked me kissing me softly as he spoke. "Eh yeah sure who's is it?" I asked curiously. "Just some guy on the football team. Are we going?" He asked again.

"Yeah sure why not" I said in an excited tone. The last time Corey and I were at a party it really didn't end well. Hopefully this time it would be different.

"Hey" A voice said into my ear that made me jump out of my skin completely. "Corey, jesus don't do that" I said trying to catch my breath again. "Sorry.." Corey said smirking as he wrapped his arms around my waist and began to plant soft kisses on my neck. I groaned in pleasure as I leaned my head back. "Excited for this party tonight?" He said between kisses. " should be good" I said pulling his face up to meet mine.

"Maybe you could wear something short just for me.." Corey said biting his lip, suppressing the chuckle. "What are you suggesting?" I teased him wrapping my arms around his neck. "Oh I don't know..I was thinking we could go back to my place and I don't know..cuddle?" He said raising an eyebrow. "Oh you want to cuddle do you?" I said chuckling. "Only if you want to of course.." He said kissing my lips gently. "Yeah that could be fun, i guess" I said smirking at him.

"Hey guys" I heard a voice say from behind me which I instantly recognised Wil. I quickly pushed Corey off me. Even though Wil said he was okay with Corey and I, I still didn't think it would be fair to rub it in his face.

"Hey" I said standing awkwardly beside Corey, trying my best not to let our bodies touch. "So this party tonight? you guys going?" He said crossing his arms and leaning against the locker. "Yeah you?" Corey asked him. "Yeah I might as well" Wil said shrugging. "I can drop you two home if you want because I'm not going to drink" He told us. "Yeah that would be great" I told him and he nodded. "I'll see you guys tonight then" He said before walking off.

I was in my room later that night just double checking myself in the mirror. I had to admit I looked pretty good. My phone buzzed and it was Corey telling me that he was waiting outside for me. I quickly grabbed all my things before heading for the door. I walked towards Corey and he groaned, leaning his head back. "What?" I asked him confused as I made my way towards him. "Nothing you just look incredible" He said placing his hands on my hips. I rolled my eyes. "What?" He asked chuckling at my reaction. "I refuse for us to be a typical couple" I told him. "So I can't tell you that you look good?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Exactly" I told him grinning. "Fine, you look like shit then" He said chuckling to himself. "That's better" I said getting into the car.

The party was completely crowded, we could barely squeeze through the crowd into the kitchen. "Ugh I need a drink" I stated as soon as we got into the kitchen. "Starting early?" Corey teased and I hit him playfully. "Shut up, i've had a hard few months" I said taking a shot. "Fair enough, it was probably terrible for you not to have me in your life" He smirked. "Hey don't get cocky, I could break up with you for Wil any second.." I teased him, winking. "Oh that hurt" He said holding his chest. "I'm kidding" I giggled, leaning up to kiss him.

The rest of the night was one big blur. I remember downing more shots than I could count on my fingers. I remember stumbling into the living room and seeing Corey talking to another girl. I ran up to him and began screaming at him how he was a cheater and that I hated him and other ridiculous drunk slurs. "Sparky, you're drunk calm down nothing is going on" He said holding my wrist. Due to the amount of alcohol I had consumed, I was in no mood to reason.

"Fuck you!" I screamed before storming out of the house to see Wil there. "Please take me home" I asked him. "Wait what's wrong?" He asked me. "I don't want to talk about it! just take me home" I demanded getting in the passenger side. Wil got into the car and turned on the radio and Summer by Calvin Harris began to play.

That was the last thing I remember before I woke up in the hospital.

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