chapter twenty six

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A few weeks past and nothing much really happened. Yeah Corey and I did almost everything together but it wasn't romantic. Sometimes there would be moments when I would think he would ask me out or at least kiss me but nothing. Don't get me wrong I loved spending time with Corey, that's what we were like before we ever went out, but now that Wil and I had broken up, I started to realise how much I liked Corey. It was so frustrating spending time with him but not being able to tell him how I feel. I was beginning to think he had actually moved on and just wanted to be friends which just put me in a bad mood every time I thought about it.

"[Y/N] come down stairs!" My mom called up the stairs one saturday morning. "Yeah?" I said walking down the stairs. "Could you do me a huge favour?" She asked I groaned in response. "Could you babysit my friends kids tonight? we're going out for dinner and their babysitter cancelled last minute..please?" She said seeming desperate. I really wasn't in the mood to spent my Saturday with a bunch of little kids but I agreed nevertheless. "Thank you at this address by 7pm" She said handing me a piece of paper.

I sighed as I walked back up stairs, flopping on my bed when my phone began to ring. "Hello?" I answered in an irritated tone. I heard Corey chuckle from the other line. "One of those days huh?" He said and I could hear his smile through the phone. "I have to babysit a bunch of kids tonight, literally kill me now" I groaned. "That sucks.." Corey replied laughing. "Hey! do you want to come help me?" I asked him. "Eh..I don't know I'm not very good with kids" Corey said hesitantly. "Please please..I need you there" I said practically begging. "Okay fine..but what do kids do nowadays?" Corey said confused.

"They smoke pot" I said in a serious tone. "Really that early?" He said in a shocked tone. "Obviously not..I was kidding" I said laughing at him "Oh alright." he said laughing embarrassed ."I'll pick you up at yours then?" Corey suggested. "Yeah great be here at like 6:30" I said before hanging up.

I didn't bother dressing up to babysit so I just threw on a pair of sweats and one of Corey's hoodies that he had left here once. I heard Corey pull up outside and I ran out and jumped into the passengers seat. "Hey" Corey said smiling at me. I loved his smile so much it never failed to make me smile uncontrollably. "So what's the address?" He asked and I handed him the piece of paper. We pulled up to the driveway, getting out. The parents greeted us, I had recognised them from when I was younger. "Is it okay that my friend Corey came with me?" I said politely. "That's no problem you two have fun!" They said before walking out of the house.

I sighed as I walked into the living room, flopping onto the couch. "Hi!" One of the girls said. "Hi how are you sweetie?" I asked her. "I'm he your boyfriend" She said pointing to Corey. I laughed slightly embarrassed "No we're just friends" I said still giggling along with Corey. "Guess even a seven year old can see our connection" Corey said winking at me and I looked away blushing. He had begun doing that a lot lately, making subtle hints about when we were together or that we could get back together. I can't tell whether he is saying it playfully or if it has a deeper meaning than that.

By 10pm all the kids were in bed and we were sitting on the couch watching TV, with Corey's  arm wrapped around my shoulders. "Is that my hoodie?" Corey said chuckling. "Eh yeah haha you can have it back if you want.." I said beginning to pull it off. "No keep it on, it looks better on you anyways" he said said smirking at me. I just smiled to myself as I faced the TV. I leaned my head into Corey's chest as we sat there. I could feel his body tense up slightly as I did. "Sorry is this uncomfortable for you?" I asked him. "No it's fine" He said pulling me closer into his chest.

I looked up to him. "Thanks for coming with me" I said smiling. "No problem anytime" He said smiling. We both stayed staring at each other not breaking the gaze. He began to lean down towards me and I knew this was it. He was actually going to do it, he was going to kiss me. This was the moment I had been anticipating for over a month. But now that it was finally happening, I didn't know if I wanted it anymore. I didn't know if I was ready to get back with Corey again. Before his lips reached mine, I quickly moved my face to the side so that his lips landed on my cheek.

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